Hi guys and you know who you are;you have been gently pushing me in this
direction for some time now. Your names will be in my sidebar.
Well I have finally taken the plunge and started my very own Blog. Berry I hope the water is as warm and inviting as you have often said, you as well Foamie, t/.& Lil Lamb, thanks for the encouragement & gentle persuasion. Time will tell just how warm it is...
I hope you will visit often and find something here that you will enjoy.
of course we will...
I'm not sure how you did that.
But, you got them on the sidebar, and yet, the address is showing with the name.
OK, well, it means that you know how to click on the orange 'E', you know how to get to the dashboard (where the orange 'E' takes you) (which reminds me, in the movie with Judy Garland, does she say, "Toto. I don't think we're in Australia anymore...."?)
Anyway, when you click on layout, and one of them says page elements, there should be one that says "links"....
(OK, well, it doesn't say links...you have to read it, eh?)
That's the one most folks use for their sidebar, but...it ain't carved in that big rock in the desert, so, what you have is ok....
Now, that's one of the funny things about these thingies. When a yakky gets on and writes, someone else can slip in and get a message in before tham. Like just now? I started writing on a blank comment box, but Foam slipped in, wrote her message and was gone before I even got to the first joke (yeah...that's what I call that silliness....'jokes')
Not that it matters any.
Only that sometimes your comments will seem out of order from how their written, when in fact there's some smart aleck going back and making some words stand out, checking spelling (not always though) and such as the like....
Welcome to the blogworld, Dianne!
We're going to love it here.
Welcome to the Blog-O-Sphere.
I still owe you greatly for what you did, but remember. I know you will do just fine here.
However, just cause you got your own place now, don't forget to stop by and say Hi once in a awhile!!!
Thanks Jean and Mick, its fun to be here after all of this time. I'm still fixing up a few problems-like trying to answer your comments in my comments box. :)
Thanks for stopping by Mick, I'm guessing that lovely Jeannie told you about my Blog.
I will put your name in my sidebar as well. :)
Now we can visit you.
I'm not sure why I wasn't mentioned in your very first post, but hopefully this scar will someday heal, and I'll learn to trust you again. And I've already found someONE I enjoy: you. Okay, I know that was schmaltzy, but maybe that's the direction you are headed in, with this new blog of yours and whatnot.
Pugsy, I didn't mention you in my very first post as you let me come into your world unconditionally without asking if I had my own Blog. As you can see I have linked you in my sidebar under 'Special Friends' and that is what you are so please dont feel left out or scarred, you are extra special to me. :)
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