Saturday, January 3, 2009


I love this song, still a little sad but to me it is beautiful and romantic and brings forth images of two people who were in love. Two who shared this house of which he speaks, their lives through love and adversity and now I feel their dreams have turned to dust. The seeds of the tree which they planted together and watched grow, the tree which held them together through the hard times and now they have to leave. And it has a special meaning for me as I have this ongoing affinity with the grandeur and beauty of trees. The video was made by a fellow who calls himself 'Yellow Sphere', not the greatest of videos but I feel the sincerity was there. Please watch the video until the very end.

There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home

And I built a home
For you
For me

Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust

I'm in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sown by the colour of green
Ground had arose in past its knees

By the cracks of its skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held on me
I held on as tightly as you held on me

And I built a home
For you
For me

Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust...

Official lyrics from TCO website


Anonymous said...

ummm, right

song & video are ok,
but i'm really not sure
that you're getting the hang of the cheer thing, dianne... i mean, don't you have any music that doesn't sound like a funeral dirge? how about some bill haley or old rockabilly or bluegrass? or this hank penny tune, hillbilly jump...


darkfoam said...

okay ..
i'm gonna just have to borrow k9's laugh ..
grrrhahahahhaha at /t.'s comment ..
bwahahahaha, actually .. sorry, dianne .. but he is a funny man.
and i guess i'm easily amused too.
but you see, he is so right ..
the hillbilly jump is a fun song ..
go ahead .. dance and jump around with abandon ..
if i didn't momentarily have a kitty warming my lap right now, i know that i would ..

darkfoam said...

ps ..
oh, and i did watch the video to the end ..
it made me feel melancholy .. see?

sparringK9 said...

i think whenever woody allen would work himself into a lather of pain and anxiety he would turn to the marx brothers. but then again, he also married his adopted teenage daughter so damn this is a pointless comment.

grrrrrrrrherhahahahahaha! and bwaahahahaha to /t's comment.

sparringK9 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dianne said...

Dearest Foamie and /t. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

dianne said...

Dearest K9 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The Phosgene Kid said...

Really, I can send you an MP3 disk with some really upbeat stuff. You don;t live in one of those cloudy places do you? I know extended periods of cloudiness or night (no sun) can really get me...

dianne said...

Sorry all but I didn't have time to comment before.
Thank you dear /t. for trying to cheer me up, you are a funny guy. Unfortunately the song you linked didn't work properly so I only heard a few bars, but what I heard sounded pretty upbeat, something to do the 'jitterbug' to?
I will try not to post any more funeral dirges though I am quite fond of "Saddest of Sundays". :-) ♥
Can you please tell me how I can link something in my comments box as you have done? ♥♥

dianne said...

Dearest Foamie you are a funny girl too, I'll do my best to dance around and jump around with abandon. :-)
You're allowed laugh /t. is a lovely, funny guy.
My kittys have been keeping me company too, they always know when their Mummy is sad, when I woke early this morning they were all in my room waiting for their morning greeting. We have a little pat and cuddle then all go downstairs for breakfast, they are so cute. ♥

dianne said...
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dianne said...
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dianne said...
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dianne said...

Thanks dearest K9 , the thought was there, but I'm not in a lather or all worked up with anxiety, just sad & very disappointed at how things have turned out.
I think the gentleman made his feelings for me or lack of, very obvious yesterday. ♥♥

dianne said...

Oh dearest Phos , I live in Australia one of the sunniest places on earth, so no I'm not suffering from sun deprivation, actually a few clouds would be welcomed.
Thanks for thinking of me and for the offer of the MP3 but my youngest son has plenty of great songs I can listen to. ♥♥

Anonymous said...


you just wrap
anchor code around your link...

  <a href="http://url...">link</a>

you need to provide the http://url...

¤ ¤ ¤


dianne said...

Thanks dear /t., like this?


Anonymous said...

that's it :)
