Monday, April 25, 2011

Visual Haiku for Chickory

With hope in my stare
so many look but pass by
please give me a home...


chickory said...

*sniff* so sorry I would take this lovely hen!! Its roosters that are hard to find homes for.

WOnderful Haiku!
Good Luck!!


dianne said...

Thank you dear chickory , I know you would give this hen a wonderful life and home, *sniff*, her expression, she looks so sad.

xoxoxo ♡

Little Lamb said...

I like that!

dianne said...

Thank you Lamby dear, she is a lovely hen.

xoxox ♡

Leovi said...

Precioso haiku, parece ser que unos animales tienen más derechos que otros. Las leyes de la economía ha llevado a las gallinas del corral a un pequeño espacio en el que no se pueden ni mover. Y eso repercute directamente también en nuestra calidad de alimentación. Besos.

dianne said...

Gracias querida Leovi , sí muchos animales tienen una vida terrible, gallinas confinados en jaulas estrechas es una práctica cruel, que debe ser libre para caminar alrededor, a los arañazos en el suelo como si estuvieran destinados a hacer ... No voy a comprar huevos a menos que sean 'aire libre'.

Besos xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thank you dear Leovi , yes many animals have a terrible existence, hens confined to narrow cages is a cruel practice, they should be free to walk around, scratch in the soil in a protected area as they were intended to do ... I will not buy eggs unless they are 'Free Range'.

Besos xoxoxo ♡

Joop Zand said...

Very nice and colorful.

Regards, Joop

Olga said...

What a wonderful hen. Her outfit is fit for a chicken ball.

foam said...

uh oh .. it's gonna be hard to pick a favorite ..
i love your haiku. the patterns on that chicken are really wonderful!

J Cosmo Newbery said...

I'm thinking sage and onion...

dianne said...

Thank you dear Joop , yes she is a colourful hen and very beautiful.

xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thank you dear Olga , yes she is a wonderful hen, her feathers have such a lovely pattern and she would be well dressed for a chicken ball. :)

xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thank you dear Foamy , my haiku is OK, I really just wanted to get into the spirit of the competition, there are some very good entires.
The hen is a Partridge Wyandotte Bantam, yes she is lovely, the patterns on her feathers are so intricate and beautiful, she would make a lovely pet. :)

xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Dear J Cosmo how could you think of that, she is too beautiful to cook, she would make a lovely pet! :)

xoxoxo ♡

Kymical Reactions said...

Very, very nice haiku, miss Dianne. Now, being a very emotional, very pregnant, lover of all living things, I should have been warned that tears were possible.


dianne said...

Thank you dear Kymical Reactions ... congratulations on being pregnant ... yes being emotional is very normal and if you are a lover of all living things, tears are definitely possible here. :)

xoxoxo ♡

Elia said...

Nice my friend!!!

have a wonderful week!

eljardindemiduende ^^

Romantik Seelchen said...

liebe Dianne,
ein wunderschönes Gedicht, es sagt uns Menschen viel...

können Tiere weinen?

ja, stumm weinen kann jedes Tier, wenn mann einem Tier in die Augen schaut sieht man sehr viel...

liebe Grüße von Jasmin

dianne said...

Thank you dear Elia yes she is a lovely hen.

You have a wonderful week also!


xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

liebe Jasmin, thank you my friend. Yes, animals have feelings, I am sure that they feel happiness when they are cared for and loved and feel sadness and pain when they are neglected or cruelly treated.
Yes you can tell a lot about people from the way they care for their pets and animals.
Have a good week.
Love and greetings, Dianne.

liebe Jasmin, ich danke dir, mein Freund. Ja, haben Tiere Gefühle, ich bin mir sicher, dass sie Glück empfinden, wenn sie betreut werden und geliebt und fühle Trauer und Schmerz, wenn sie vernachlässigt oder grausam behandelt.
Ja man kann sagen eine Menge über Menschen aus der Art, wie sie Betreuung für ihre Haustiere und Tiere.
Haben Sie eine gute Woche.
Liebe und Grüße, Dianne.

xoxoxo ♡

Aunty Belle said...

gracious, but the markings on that chicken is amazin'! Love this one.

Good luck Dianne.

Unknown said...

Another beautiful Haiku, there is like loving nature.
Greetings .-

Kathleen Scott said...

What a fabulous coat of feathers! Hoping she finds the best home, with lots of room to roam and many bugs to bite.

dianne said...

Thank you dear Aunty Belle , yes the pattern on her feathers is amazing ...
Good luck Aunty Belle, I think you got a mention, my haiku did not score one vote.

xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thanks dear Enrique , I love animals, I wish all of these hens could find good homes.

Saludos xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Yes dear Kathleen I have not seen such a beautiful coat of feathers before, the pattern is so intricate.
I hope she finds the best home where she can roam free in the fresh air and sunlight, scratch around in the soil and have a lovely warm place to sleep at night. :)

xoxoxo ♡

BrandNewStudio said...

good creations:)

Anonymous said...

aha ha ha

chickens everywhere!

i love your haiku, c -- good luck

× × ×


dianne said...

Thank you BrandNewStudio... :)

xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Yes dear /t. eggs, chickens and hens all over the blogs.

Thank you, I am pleased that you liked my haiku and for the wishes ... but I did not get one vote and there was a message in my haiku .. oh well!

xoxoxo ♡ love D!

teri said...

dear d,

you were robbed...

...why i don't enter "contests"

i still love your haiku

× × ×


dianne said...

Thank you for your kind words dear teri , I am pleased that you loved my haiku.
It doesn't matter that I did not win the contest, I did not enter to win. I wanted to make a point with the photograph of the hen and my haiku that these birds have feelings and some don't live a very happy or normal existence ... I thought at least one person would have understood and given me one vote.
It doesn't matter, the friends who visit here have given my sad but beautiful hen some positive attention. :)

xoxoxo ♡

Craftsman of light said...

A Hen's life is'nt just an omlette!

dianne said...

So true dear col , a hen's life is not just about laying eggs and omellettes, they have their own personalities and they make lovely pets. :)
xoxoxo ♡

Unknown said...

Dianne, good picture, a ray of sunshine do the rams through the trees
a look at the green light through the leaves.
Sun, light, heat, life, hope ...
Greetings .-

dianne said...

Thank you dear Enrique for your thoughtful words and comment, I think you meant to leave this message at my next post 'memories of green places'.
The green light through the leaves is beautiful, nature and her blessings is wonderful.
Greetings my friend...

xoxoxo ♡

Tim said...

Pretty chicken; somebody will give it a home. :)

dianne said...

Thank you Tim for your comment, yes I am hoping that someone who is caring will give her a good home where she can free range and live a normal life as hens are supposed to do. :)

xoxoxo ♡

Campbellgkvz said...

Nice my friend!!! have a wonderful week! besos eljardindemiduende ^^