If you are near,
Can you feel the cool air
of the Autumn evening?
The air is heavy like a cloak of cold
surrounding you
As the sun descends in a transparent glow
beyond the horizon
Taking with it its warmth
the last flickering light of day.
The fragrance of late blooming Summer flowers
lingers on
and pervades the stillness of the air
And the scent of amber foliage
as it dresses the forest floor.
See the crescent moon rising
in its golden glowing
As it silently crosses the sky
sometimes partly obscured by the trees
It appears and disappears
as it glimpses from the shadows
Lighting the darkness momentarily
with its warm light
A promise,
that the sun still shines
Beyond the shadow of the Earth
and her face will greet us once again
In the beauty of the next radiant morning.

Can you feel the cool air
of the Autumn evening?
The air is heavy like a cloak of cold
surrounding you
As the sun descends in a transparent glow
beyond the horizon
Taking with it its warmth
the last flickering light of day.
The fragrance of late blooming Summer flowers
lingers on
and pervades the stillness of the air
And the scent of amber foliage
as it dresses the forest floor.
See the crescent moon rising
in its golden glowing
As it silently crosses the sky
sometimes partly obscured by the trees
It appears and disappears
as it glimpses from the shadows
Lighting the darkness momentarily
with its warm light
A promise,
that the sun still shines
Beyond the shadow of the Earth
and her face will greet us once again
In the beauty of the next radiant morning.

I like your blog. Great Article! By the way, If u have time, drop by my painting blog. Thanks!.. .daniel
these words simply spectacular, a beautiful song to fall.
You have the gift of sensitivity on the pen.
Happy weekend!
thank you for this little time..
eljardindemiduende ^^
Lovely words Dianne. Have a great week and a happy Easter and I will 'see' you when I return from that toddling town.
Thank you Daniel for your comment, I am pleased that you liked my blog, I shall pop over and have a look at 'Painting Techniques'.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dearest Elia for your very thoughful comment, I am so happy that you enjoyed my words. I like to share my feelings in poetry and prose and it makes it all worthwhile when someone as sweet as you enjoys what I have written. :)
Thank you also for being such a thoughtful friend to me... you have a lovely weekend too!
Amor y Besos, Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Lee , that is very thoughtful of you to say.
I am an observer of all around me and I like to put those images and the feelings they evoke into words and to share them here.
You also have a great week and Easter and a good trip to that 'toddling town' that 'windy city' of Chicago; take care of yourself, be safe and I look forward to 'seeing' you when you return.
xoxoxo ♡
beautiful, dianne.
you are a true artist and poet.
So strange that you have Autumn when I am full of Spring?
In a way Autumn is a period when you pick up memories and save them in your heart.
i enjoyed the lovely promenade through your autumnal words....here, the chilled air and springtime are quarelling.
If you stay in the sun it almost warm, while i prefer to stubbornly wear only a T-shirt!
Many, many warm hugs to you.
liebe Dianne, beautiful empathetic thoughts, you've written from the soul to soul, souls are sensitive .....
the nice photo is remarkable, something special,
a loving each other thinking,
Love Jasmin ❤ ❤ ❤
See the crescent moon rising
in its golden glowing
As it silently crosses the sky
sometimes partly obscured by the trees
It appears and disappears
as it glimpses from the shadows
I don't know why but this part impressed me very much. I can see it, I can feel it.
Thank you dearest Foamy that is very kind of you to say. You have been with me from the very beginning and I always look forward to your comments; if you like my poem I know that I have written something worthwhile.
Thank you for your friendship. ♥
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear M , yes you are full of Spring, new leaves and buds are emerging and flowers emerge from the Earth, whereas here all is slowing down preparing for the sleep of Winter.
Autumn is a lovely time to reflect, there is a feeling in the air like no other time of the year, maybe we slow down too and have time to think of memories that we keep in our hearts.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dearest col , I'm so pleased that you enjoyed my Autumnal journey of words.
I guess where you live in France that the cold fingers of Winter are still reaching into your Springtime making some of the days colder than they should now be.
I hope it will warm up soon so that you can wear your T-shirts and enjoy the sunshine. I hope there are many new blossoms for you to enjoy.
Thank you for the warm hugs, I have a feeling I shall need them, it was very cold here yesterday evening.
Love and hugs to you
xoxoxo ♡
liebe Jasmin thank you for your kind words, yes I have written from my thoughts and feelings which have been inspired by the beauty of Autumn evenings, just as the sun is setting.
I am pleased that you enjoyed the photographs. :)
Love from Dianne.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Olga ,for your words.
I have been enjoying the cool of the Autumn evenings at twilight and admiring the spectacular sunsets.
We had a crescent moon about two weeks ago, it was a soft warm yellow in colour and it was lovely to watch it at intervals and see it disappear behind the trees then emerge again with its lovely warm glow to light the darkness ... that was the inspiration for those lines of my prose which you have quoted.
It was so beautiful to see and to feel.
xoxoxo ♡
Beautiful autumn poem, here we are early spring. Congratulations. A hug.
Thank you dear Leovi for your thoughtful comment ... Autumn and Spring are my favourite Seasons.
besos xoxoxo ♡
it dresses the forest floor.
indeed, that is one of my favorite autumn gifts.
how are you golden girl?
It certainly does dearest chickory , one of the many blessings of Autumn. :)
I am well, thanks for asking ... how about you? I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are; I hope you are well and coping with your loss.
It is so lovely to see you here again.
Love and hugs, Dianne,
xoxoxo ♡
there is a clinking of wind chimes on your blog when i visit. how do you do that? i like it .. :)
Foamy dear, they are wind chimes, I like them too... if you scroll down on my sidebar you will see a picture of windchimes at KuruKuru Parts, the pictures of the chimes changes at regualar intervals.
If you click on to the KuruKuru Parts it will take you to the website where you will find the code in English to download add it to your blog. :)
xoxoxo ♡
The feelings we hide in the shadows shine in our eyes. A hug
Thank you dear Leovi , yes they do! :)
Hugs xoxoxo ♡
beautiful poem!
sorry Dianne I was here in a hurry...thank you for asking...
It's the band "The Fall" - "Possession"
Thank you dear Ruela for your thoughtful comment.
I know that you are a very busy guy and thanks for taking the time to give me the name of the song ... but it was the song you had posted before 'Possession', it was a vocal song... can you please still help? sorry. :/
beijos xoxoxo ♡
ohh, so that's where the windchimes are .. :)
btw, we were lucky concerning our weather. we got the winds, rain, flashflood warnings, but our area is luckily not that prone for tornadoes. (not that we can't get them though). there are areas a bit further east though that look like a war zone.
Wonderful words! I wish you a happy easter and send hugs from Luzia.
Yes, Foamy dear the windchimes are hiding down there, I thought I would add a little sound to the silence .. :)
Good to hear that you escaped the worst of the tornadoes...I saw those pictures of the effected areas and it does look like a war zone. Those poor people, how heartbreaking it would be.
I hope you are feeling better now?
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Luzia for your kind words.
I wish you a happy easter too my friend.
Hugs from Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
Siempre es un placer pasar por tu casa, disculpa la ausencia,
deseo pases unas felices fiestas
de semana santa.
un abrazo.
Gracias, querido Ricardo por su visita y sus amables palabras ... Les deseo una Feliz Pascua.
un abrazo.
xoxoxo ♡
It's wonderfull Dianne,
your blog is lovely to see.my compliments for your work.
Greetings from Holland.
Greetings, Joop
Thank you dear Joop for visiting from Holland and for your lovely comment, I am so pleased that you like my blog. :)
xoxoxo ♡
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