I call out to you
But my voice comes back
In waves of silence
I reach out to you
But my pleas are returned
With ignorance and quiet
Echoing in these lonely silences
Between us ...
Echoing in these lonely silences
Between us ...
How then am I to reach you
If you will not listen
Is there nothing left to save ...
Is there nothing left to save ...
Are you lost to me forever
Lost in this place of darkness
Where I shall never hear your voice
Or see your words to me again ...
Would you leave me here
Alone in this state of sadness
With only the resonance of the words
I should not have spoken?
I have many regrets,
I have humbled myself
Before you, but
Is there no forgiveness
To be found in you?
What more can I say
Am I to forget all that we shared
Then turn, and walk away?
What more can I say
Am I to forget all that we shared
Then turn, and walk away?
Prose by Dianne D ... ♥
Image: Rainy Day Inspiration Free Wallpaper
Beautiful Prose Dianne!
This one's absolutely beautiful Dianne. I can relate in part. He's lost to me forever...I will never hear his voice again. That's what hurts the most. Thank you for comforting me. It's nice to know that I have friends that hear my cry.
rainy day, huh? well, a rainy day is good, right?
plus, it apprently provides great inspiration for you.
it is a sad prose .... but beautiful.
i was gonna look for a song that matched this prose but then got distracted by family and household matters ..
oh! i need to get rid of ole jack ..
he's starting to startle me when he pops up instead of my usual foam avatar .. :)
so sad, so beautiful Diane ! I love your words ! beautiful shot too !
wish you a wonderful weekend !
You just described my typical customer service experience. I'm starting to realize that retail is not the place to find a meaningful relationship.
liebe Dianne, heart and pain ......
you will be heard, I still believe in the good in people, you have a sweet heart, you will not find so often,
mit lieben Grüßen und Wünschen Jasmine
Thank you dear Franz , kind of you to visit and I'm pleased that you enjoyed my prose.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Ellie , my sadness pales into insignificance in comparison to yours, but still it hurts me.
I don't think that I will ever hear from him again... that is the saddest part of it.
I try to comfort you my sweet friend because what has happened to you has robbed you of so much, it is so unfair and I don't know how I would cope with the sadness that you must endure.
All I can do is try to encourage you to live and look forward to days when there will be no tears and sadness.
Love, Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
Yes Jack/Foamy dear, a rainy day is good if it wasn't for all of the storm clouds that seem to be gathering around me.
I seem to be alone in the darkness and I am reaching out hoping that even one ray of sunshine will break through the clouds to take away this feeling of emptiness and sadness...but I think it is too late, some words cannot be taken back no matter how much I regret saying them.
I could think of a few songs that would match this prose but I won't be posting any of them ... thanks for thinking of me.
Ole Jack looks a little cold, is he covered in snow?
I look forward to seeing what you choose for your next avatar. :)
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Marty , so nice that you love my words, even though they are sad.
Yes the photo is beautiful, not one of mine, I would never find anything so beautiful around here.
You have a good weekend also!
Bisous xoxoxo ♡
Oh Pugsley my sweet, I am sorry you have had such bad experiences in customer service ... I don't know where you would find a meaningful relationship, for some they just happen.
Don't look to me for advice my sweet, I am hopeless at it.
xoxoxo ♡
iebe Jasmin , yes pain and sadness.
He is a good person, I am too and I do have a sweet heart but I said something out of hurt which he did not like and now he has changed his good opinion of me ... we have hurt each other but I am forgiving and give others a second chance... that is what I thought true friends did.
I don't think he will hear me, this was a last attempt to reach out to him but I very much doubt that he will read anything I have written, he just ignores me. I fear it is too late and he would not approve of me writing in such a public way ... so I am lost and not wanted any more.
Love and thanks, Dianne
xoxoxo ♡
Woof, tough to come up with anything funny when you obviously hurt. Don't know what happened, but I am here for ya.
Thank you dear Phossy , yes I am hurt, the whole sorry story is too personal to write about ... nice to know that you are here for me.
I was hoping that he might see this prose, maybe he will?
xoxoxo ♡
liebe Dianne, we believe unconsciously, to punish the other so that we do not forgive him or her. We would like for us, as it suffered the pain, shame or perceived humiliation revenge.
... to not forgive. "Look, no matter to whom it is addressed, it is a true statement. Life is really too short to not forgive".
Can forgive shows strength,
viele liebe und herzliche Grüße und gute Gedanken
liebe Jasmin , I do not want to punish him, I do not want revenge, I care too much for him to do that ... I am the one who is humiliating myself here by baring my soul, by seeking answers, hoping that he will see this and can forgive me for what I said.
I have forgiven him for what he said and did to me, the very thing which prompted my outburst to him in the first instance.
I have apologised so many times but my messages are ignored, how much do I have to humiliate myself before he can just say 'Goodbye'?
I sent him a copy of this prose, whether he will read it or not I do not know ... he does not visit here any more.
I feel it is too late, I think he has moved on and found someone new, so I just walk away and try to forget.
viele liebe und herzliche Grüße und gute Gedanken.
xoxoxo ♡
Full of emotion, Dianne.
Thank you dear Lee ,
yes, it is full of emotion but I should not have written it.
I have made myself look foolish and desperate in order to save a friendship that I at least valued.
xoxoxoxo ♡
are your poems
directed to an individual
more loosely derived from life experience?
just curious -- your poem is lovely(!)
× × × & <3s 2 u
Beautiful, sad and desperate poem, love ... joy and his sufferings. Besos.
Thank you dear /t.
Some of my poems are directed at individuals others are derived from life experiences or feelings that inspire poems.
This poem and 'softly upon the page' is for a man who has been a long time friend, but because of a disagreement has now chosen to ignore me.
Please to not judge me too harshly for writing this prose publicly /t., I had no other way and since I valued his friendship so dearly I hoped he would see this.
It would seem that I have wasted my time and made myself look foolish and desperate.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi
yes it is a very sad poem, no joy there at all and no more joy to come, just sadness.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Wonderful poem, I like it...
Servus and best wishes from Germany
i am
an artist, d,
not a judge of human effort
hypocrites, i detest
carry on
× × ×
Thank you for visiting and for your comment dear Kvelli, I am so pleased that you enjoyed my sad poem.
Welcome and best wishes from Australia!
Dianne xoxoxo ♡
Thank you my dear friend /t. , your good opinion matters to me and I did not want you to be disappointed with me for this very open and personal prose ...
Thanks again, I shall carry on, but no more of this,they are just wasted words.
<3 <3 <3 xoxoxo ♡
oh dear. somebody needs a good rotty shake. grrrrr
another beauty, dianne. so happy you have your pen and paper (screen and keyboard) to make art from heartache.
i'm so sorry, dianne. i was hoping it was a gorgeously written bit of prose poetry based on general life experiences.
Don't worry dear K9, I have already given myself a good 'rotty shake'for believing that some people are sincere and caring when they are not and how easily they can abandon a friendship... another life lesson I have learned.
Yes a poem out of heartache, but it will pass in time, I just wish I could fast-forward the time and get over how I am feeling.
Thank you for caring.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you Foamy dear, no this one was a last desperate plea for some communication from my long time friend who said he would always be here for me. I thought he really cared and could overlook one transgression by me, something that I said out of anger and frustration, but it seems that there is no forgiveness in him, though I have forgiven him more than once.
I might as well have written my shopping list here, he just chooses to ignore me, he is lost to me.
Thank you too for caring, Foamy.
xoxoxo ♡
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