I do not need money.
I have need of feelings
of words, words chosen wisely
of flowers called thoughts,
of roses called presences
of dreams inhabiting the trees,
of songs that make statues dance,
of stars that murmur to the ear of lovers.
I need poetry
this spell which burns the weight of words
that arouses emotions and gives new colors.
Love do not damn me to my fate
Hold me open all the seasons
let my great and warm decline
not fall asleep along drives
put in passive all the passions
sleep on the pillow tenderly
where grow provident ambitions
of love and universal passion
take my everything and do not hurt me.
Hold me open all the seasons
let my great and warm decline
not fall asleep along drives
put in passive all the passions
sleep on the pillow tenderly
where grow provident ambitions
of love and universal passion
take my everything and do not hurt me.
Alda Merini - Italian Writer and Poetess - (1931-2009)
Image: The Artist's Garden at Giverney - Claude Monet - 1900
so beautiful words and great Monet !
I wish you a wonderful sunday dear Dianne !
(a translater for you on my blog!)
Happy Mother's Day Mum. I love you xxxxxx
A great poet, unfortunately, poorly understood, all too often left alone!
Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you dear Marty , yes, beautiful words, special words and the Monet is so lovely.
Thank you for your wishes and thoughtful comment ... a translator will be so appreciated so that I can read your beautiful words!
Happy Sunday to you too!
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you my darling Rebecca , Happy Mother's Day, I love you too ... thank you for my special lunch!
xoxoxo ♡
Yes dear Franz , Alda was a great poet, misunderstood because of her bouts of unstable mental health and abandoned, a sad life ... but I think from this she drew her inspiration, she understood the depth and meaning of love and the loss of it.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment and the Mother's Day wish. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Dianne, very nice poetry, thank you.
I'm so pleased to know such a good poetess. And the painting matches the poem perfectly.
Thank you dear tattina , yes this is a beautiful poem but I did not write this one, though I wish that I had ... it was written by Italian poetess Alda Merini ... and yes the Monet painting is a good match for the poem!
xoxoxo ♡
Love Dianne, yes you can buy no feelings ..... they do not exist for all the money in the world are not predictable, they go their own way, they seem to live a life of its own and hard to be influenced.
best wishes ❤ ❤ ❤ from Jasmin
Si, pienso que es más importante tener desarrollada la capacidad de poder apreciar la belleza que la de obtener mucho dinero. Precioso poema y una gran lección de color del gran maestro Monet, maestro en apreciar y plasmar la belleza. Besos.
Yes, I think is more important to have developed the ability to appreciate the beauty that get a lot of money. Beautiful poem and a great lesson in color of the great master Monet, teacher to appreciate and capture the beauty. Besos.
Lovely words.
(Enjoying the lovely temperature differential in Sydney compared to Melbourne too.)
I like the painting that you have chosen for this occasion, Monet always is wonderful!
The poetry did not know her, but it has been gratifying and special; to begin this way the week, it is a great gift that you do to all the persons that we visit you and give us force..
Thank you!!
An embrace from the distance, my Friend,
eljardindemiduende ;-))
iebe Jasmin , nein, Gefühle und Emotionen kann man nicht kaufen, sie natürlich aus eigenem Antrieb aus unserem Herzen kommen, scheinen sie einen großen Einfluss auf uns haben und zu Zeiten, wenn es um Liebe sind manchmal unberechenbar. :)
Beste Wünsche aus, Dianne.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi , yes there is so much more to gain and appreciate from beauty, something that money will never satisfy.
Yes it is a beautiful poem and the colours in Monets's painting are a true example of what beauty has to offer.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Gracias querida Leovi , sí hay mucho más que ganar y apreciar la belleza, algo que el dinero nunca se cumplen.
Sí, es un poema hermoso y los colores en la pintura de Monet son un verdadero ejemplo de lo que la belleza tiene que ofrecer.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Thank you rdl yes it is lovely.
xoxoxo ♡
Thanks you dear Lee yes, they are lovely words, they are inspiring words that give me hope...I want to feel that way and write poems that are filled with happiness and optimism.
I did not know that you were in Sydney or when you arrived, the weather was lovely yesterday but I think it might rain tonight, hopefully the sun will shine again for you tomorrow.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Elia , I am pleased that you liked the Monet painting that I have chosen to go with this poem; it was difficult to choose something that would echo the sentiment of Alda's beautiful words.
Thanks my dear, I always try to post something of beauty here that you will all enjoy.
Big hugs to you too my little Spanish friend! :-))
Yes it is beautiful dear Skizo , thank you for your comment! :)
xoxoxo ♡
A very good entry on poetry and thoughts of love.
Brother love really exists, almost on the other, no need more.
Greetings .-
That a very pretty picture.
This phrase - "I need poetry" - found a resonance in my soul. This despite the fact that I don't need poetry as often as you do. However, when I see it, I appreciate it deep in my heart.
Thank you dear Enrique for your thoughtful comment, yes this is a wonderful poem and thoughts on love. :)
Thank you dear Lil Lamb , yes it is a beautiful painting, I'm so pleased that you like it! :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Olga , yes there are many lines of beauty in this poem which resonate in my soul ... for the writer speaks of the poetry of her life, the love and the elements of the poetry which inspire and sustain her.
xoxoxo ♡
The weather has been much warmer than Melbourne! Thank you.
That is good to hear Lee dear, see, the sun did shine for you today but the nights are a little chilly.
xoxoxo ♡
A poetess under my radar. I'm going to have to google her. I like poem of hers. and as always you choose great art to go with the poetry you post.
Yes Foamy dear it is a lovely poem ... I came across it quite by accident a little while back and saved it so that I might post it here one day. I love it but I have not had much success in finding other poems she has written only references to the books and books of poems she has written ... so it looks like a visit to the library!
Thank you, I'm so pleased that you liked the Monet painting that I have chosen. :)
xoxoxo ♡
great lyric ;D
Thank you dear Tiago ... :)
xoxoxo ♡
Lovely words and a very nice painting, well done Dianne.
Thankt for all your comments, i'am following your blog from now on, it's a pleasure to see your nice work.
warm greetings from Holland, Joop x
Thank you dear Joop I am pleased that you enjoyed the poem by Alda Merini and the Monet painting ... thank you also for your kind words and for becoming a follower of my blog. I will try to write some lovely poems, I just have to wait for the inspiration and the words to come.
Warm greetings to you!
xoxoxo ♡
love the poem
as always, dianne,
love the beautiful monet
i hope your garden is as lovely
× × ×
Thank you dear /t. , yes a lovely poem and the painting of Monet's garden is so beautiful ...
no dear the garden of my imagination is as beautfil but not my actual garden, it is looking a little windswept at present. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Such a beautiful poem....its speaks for itself so elegantly.
Thankyou for allowing me to discover it!
How beautiful! Word-images that linger in the mind. Thank you.
Thank you dearest col ,
this is a beautiful poem and when I discover something as lovely as these thoughts, feelings and images put into words I like to share them with all of my friends.
Love and hugs, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Kathleen , yes this poem is so special, its beauty evokes many images, emotions and colours. :)
xoxoxo ♡
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