Sunday, July 18, 2010

Did I Hear You ...

Did I hear you
Was that you ...

I thought I caught
a glimpse of you ...

As you slipped by me
you spoke not one word ...

In silence, not to be heard?

I felt your presence
I felt your warmth

I thought I could reach out
and touch you
as you came to earth ...

Just then
as I looked at the moonlight
was that you ... ?

Thought I heard you breathing
or was it my heart beating
from the closeness of you ...

Or just the breeze
like me sighing softly
as it moved through the leaves

Or perhaps it was
just a beautiful dream ... ?

Dianne D.

Poem first posted on January 12, 2010

Image: The leaves of my tree shining in the moonlight.


The Phosgene Kid said...

Nope, wasn't me, I was at the mall.

dianne said...

Oh Phossy dear, did you buy anything nice at the mall?
Like some flowers or something pretty for your lovely wife? xoxo ♡

darkfoam said...

you know, dianne ...
i do truly think this is a very lovely poem.
you are such a dear romantic soul.

but, you know ..

if i were standing out there in the moonlight and i heard breathing but couldn't see anybody, i would be completely freaked out.

HLiza said...

Was this meant for me? Hahaha..I've been going around blog-prowling but leave no comments..did you feel my presence?

Anonymous said...

i admit it...

it was the pug that
was lurking in your bushes

*** (beautiful (concise) poem) ***

× × ×


Lee said...

I came to earth recently - it's called being back at work after a holiday - but I don't think it was me.

dianne said...

Thank you dear Foamy
I'm pleased that you liked my poem, this is one that I was happy with when I wrote it.
Yes hearing someone outside breathing would freak me out but not when you were expecting them to be there ... but one can only wait so long and then it's time to forget such romantic fantasy.

' dear romantic soul ' , yes I have been that for such a long time but I think it is time for me to come back to reality, forget about romantic things and just get on with my very ordinary life. xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Dear HLiza I would always feel your presence it is one of warmth and friendship. xoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thank you dear /t. that is some lovely praise for my poem.
xoxoxo ♡

I think if Pug was there, I would know about it, there would be a little puddle at the base of my tree. :) ♡

dianne said...

Lee dear, I came back to earth months ago, it's a shame it wasn't you, I think you would be great fun to hang out with, even in a tree.
Sorry you have had to go back to work so soon, yes there is certainly something grounding about that.
xoxoxo ♡

Lesley said...

That's a lovely poem Dianne. It makes me think of many people....someone long gone, a lost love, God, Mother could mean something to everyone. :)

dianne said...

Thanks dear Lesley , I'm pleased that you enjoyed my poem, one of my better works I feel, a sweet memory from times passed which has resurfaced.
Yes these words can mean many things to others, it is all in the interpretation ... I hope it evoked some happy memories for you. xoxo ♡

puerileuwaite said...

It was either me or a UFO. I usually don't probe on the first encounter, so that one of the few ways to tell us apart.

dianne said...

Oh Pugsley my sweet, it seems that no-one wants to say that they were there.
The person who was there was warm and non-threatening so it could have been you, it could have been anyone and there wasn't any probing going on just a lovely feeling of being watched over and protected ... I felt very safe.
xoxoxo ♡

Kathleen Scott said...

Lovely. We've all had a night when we felt what we wanted. And you captured that feeling in words.

chickory said...

that was the love embrace of the universe. its rare -the connectedness of you to the Source. fleeting as it was, it was. happy for you. good that you put it to poetry and as /t said, concise is good.

what up PUG? you dont call, you dont write and there arent any steaming hot brown calling cards either.
phoooey on youuuie.

dianne said...

Thank dear Kathleen , it was so lovely and it is a shame that I/we don't feel that way more often ... pleased that you liked my words.
xoxoxo ♡

dianne said...

Thank you dear chickory , "the love embrace of the universe" that is such a lovely way to describe it, I know I felt warmth,I felt wanted, I was not afraid, it was fleeting but I did feel a connection to someone and the feeling was that of happy anticipation, as if this would be the first of more encounters ... difficult to put into words but I tried. xoxoxo ♡

Both you and /t. are wise and Pug might not see your message here so maybe you should go to his blog and remind him that you are due for a visit from him. xoxo ♡

J Cosmo Newbery said...

As I came to earth? That is a most sweet and diplomatic way of putting it, Dianne. I thought I had just had one Pinot Noir too many and tripped over the dog.

dianne said...

At last my dearest J Cosmo , you have returned to visit me and returned to earth, what more could a girl ask for...
No my dear you did not have one Pinot Noir too many, nor did you trip over the dog, I suspect you were feeling euphoric from the thin air as you floated on the clouds. xoxo ♡

Craftsman of light said...

Hello Dianne,
Being here is to step in with the heart.
Only then one can find oneself strolling in between the multiple paths that lay wide open in the live streams of emotions.

The voices of Love has no other messenger but itself.
This is a lovely call, a lover's call, romantically, spiritually....
how tenderly the lips of the heart has spoken!

dianne said...

Thank you dearest Col
how beautifully and with such sensitivity do you describe the feelings of this poem.
It was very real to me for I thought I heard love's call and felt the presence and warmth of someone whom I loved who would come and visit me with his words, a man who said he would always be there to watch over me, that he would always be there for me...the feelings were so palpable on that January night, I thought I heard him breathing.It was a spritual experience for I felt so close I thought I could reach out and touch him ... but no, perhaps he was thinking of me and the connection that we had once shared had woken my heart to the warmth of him once more.
xoxoxo ♡

Leovi said...

It was a soul in love.

dianne said...

Thank you dear Leovi ,
for your sweet comment, yes I think the 'soul in love' was me but I definitely sensed the presence of someone else.
xoxoxo ♡