Thank you everyone once more for your prayers and kind wishes for Matthew. He underwent surgery on Monday to have a skin graft taken from the front of his thigh to cover his abdominal wound which was still quite open and covered only with granular tissue. This kind of tissue is not strong enough to prevent his bowel from herniating through his abdominal wall. He seemed in good spirits on Monday night, though the PCA was only just keeping his pain under control, surprisingly his thigh was the most painful.
By Thursday night he was feeling unwell, having difficulty breathing though he was being given oxygen. He was complaining about pain in his right lung and when examined by the doctor he heard Creps in his lower lung, eventually a saline and Ventolin nebuliser was ordered.
On Friday his condition had worsened, so much that his temperature had risen to over 40 degrees Celsius and the tachycardia had returned, his heart rate having risen to 166 BPM. He was put on very strong IV antibiotics and IV saline and glucose. He is being monitored very closely because of his temperature, tachycardia and he now has pneumonia.
On Saturday morning the dressing was removed from his abdomen and unfortunately the skin graft has not taken/adhered, it came off with the dressing. Thrown away, along with our hopes. What a waste of surgery, his skin graft, the pain he has had and is still enduring.
We are still waiting for answers to explain how this could happen. Yet another disaster after so many complications. Matthew was very down on Saturday night and depressed tonight and I am very concerned for his health, how he is coping and now what can be done. Where do we go from here?
I await some answers from the medical profession.
Much love, Dianne ♥
Image - The Atrium at the Hospital-Some green-space for the patients to enjoy,