Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dear Friends...

Dear friends, just to let you know that I may not be around to visit your blogs for a while. My dear son Matthew is gravely ill in hospital in the Intensive Care Unit fighting for his life after complications from emergency major surgery.  His immune system is already compromised from the Multiple Sclerosis so that is not helping him at all. Yesterday every hour of life was a blessing, he is very ill and on Life Support and dialysis to give his heart and body a rest. We are just taking each hour and day as it comes, I don't know what the outcome will be. The nurses and doctors are wonderful, they are caring for him 24hours a day, the Councillor has been very comforting.
My daughter and other son have been of great support to me and Matthew's father.
I was called into the hospital at 6.45AM yesterday as his condition had deteriorated, he has stabilised a little but is not out of danger. Not much we can do but be at the hospital and go in to see him when we are allowed.
I will get back to you soon, hopefully with some better news.

Sincerely, your friend Dianne
xoxoxo   ♥


♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Dearest Friend Dianne!
I am with you. The prayers I ask the Good God for the health of your son Matthew.
I believe that your son will recover.

Blessed days.
Kisses and nestle.

Unknown said...

Bon courage dans cette épreuve difficile.
Avec toi, je t'embrasse

Giga said...

I wish a speedy recovery to the Son. Watch over them and write about good changes in his health. Hold on.

Crissi said...

Dear Dianne, I pray for you - God bless you! All love - I hope he will soon be well again.
Hug - all the best- I think of you.

Laura. M said...

I'm sorry, Dianne. I hope soon recupere.♥ Mucho mood and luck

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Votos de rápida recuperação....

Nancy Chan said...

Dear Dianne, may God's peace and strength be with you. I pray for your son's healing and restoration to good health.

darkfoam said...

Dearest Dianne, I'm so sorry to hear about your son! I wish him all the best. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Lamento a doença do seu filho, certamente que seu filho vai recuperar, vamos manter a esperança para que aconteça.
Votos para tudo corra bem conforme a senhora e sua família deseja.

Betty Manousos said...

i'm so sorry to hear about your son, dianne! i wish him all the best. sending thoughts and prayers to you and your beloved son. i'm thinking of you.


Algodão Tão Doce said...

É Páscoa! Cristo está vivo, o túmulo está vazio, Ele ressuscitou!!! A mais bela festa dos Cristãos.
Crentes no Amor de Deus Pai que nos deu seu Filho Jesus Cristo que permanece conosco pela força do
Espírito Santos, seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano,
harmonioso e de doação.
Todos somos promotores da Paz!
Feliz, Santa e Abençoada Páscoa.
Um doce abraço, Marie.

Marty said...

oh dear Dianne, this is so hard what I read about your son !
I really hope all the best for him, you and your family !
I'm looking forward better news !
I think of you Dianne

dianne said...

Thank you everyone for your very kind wishes and prayers for Matthew, it is comforting for me to read your comments when I feel so helpless, confused and afraid for him. I wanted to thank you all earlier but life as I knew it does not exist anymore.
Every day I hope for a great improvement in his condition, for him to be fully awake, I talk to him and I'm sure he can hear me because yesterday his eyes opened slightly when I and his sister said his name, though it was a very vacant look... apart from that he remains very much the same.
There may be a sign of progress in one of his vital signs but a setback in another, today his condition was considered stable. He is still on life support for his breathing, dialysis to help his kidney function and clean his blood, many amazing and complex machines which have taken over the work of his organs to help his body rest and repair. The nursing staff and doctors are wonderful, dedicated and caring people.
He is alive, so where there is life there is hope.
Thank you all for your concern.
Much love, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

Oh my dear Dianne, my prays are with you. I hope he continues to make a little bit of progress every day. Sending you much love xxx

Hoover Boo said...

My heart is with you, dear Dianne. Flowers and strength radiate to you from faraway lands. Love your son, nothing else matters at this moment.

Laura. M said...

Much encouragement Dianne. Mateo is alive, so where there is life there is hope.
Kisses ♥ ♥for you and Mateo

dianne said...

Thank you dear Amanda for your prayers and thoughtful wishes.

Thank you dear Hoover for your thoughtful words, yes. at the moment nothing else matters, only my son.

Thank you dear Laura for your thoughtful words of hope.

Much love, Dianne
xoxoxo ♡