Hush, let the calm wash over you
There is peace to be found
In the soft voice of the wind
It moves gently through the trees
And stirs the verdant leaves
Its song is one that soothes
And calms
And will take away all cares
The sadness in your heart
Shall soon be gone
Hush, listen and hear its song
The wild roar of the tempest
That did torment you will quieten
On its journey through the trees
They still the tempest in its path
And all will be peace and calm
Hush, let the calm wash over you
It shall release you
And quiet the restless stirrings
In your heart . . .
There is peace to be found
In the soft voice of the wind
It moves gently through the trees
And stirs the verdant leaves
Its song is one that soothes
And calms
And will take away all cares
The sadness in your heart
Shall soon be gone
Hush, listen and hear its song
The wild roar of the tempest
That did torment you will quieten
On its journey through the trees
They still the tempest in its path
And all will be peace and calm
Hush, let the calm wash over you
It shall release you
And quiet the restless stirrings
In your heart . . .
Poem by Dianne D ... ♥
Image courtesy of Des Boxall at Picasa Web Albums