Out of the shadows
And into the light
No more shades of grey
I want to wake to sun filled hours
Walk amongst the fragrant flowers
I want a world of colour . . .
No matter what sadness comes my way
What fate awaits me every day
It does not matter anyway
For somewhere in the world each day
A field still blooms with flowers . . .
Poem: Dianne D ... ♥
Image: Delicate Wildflowers Monique Haen Free Images
And into the light
No more shades of grey
I want to wake to sun filled hours
Walk amongst the fragrant flowers
I want a world of colour . . .
No matter what sadness comes my way
What fate awaits me every day
It does not matter anyway
For somewhere in the world each day
A field still blooms with flowers . . .
Poem: Dianne D ... ♥
Image: Delicate Wildflowers Monique Haen Free Images
Hi Dianne,
i just did a post about a ' field of red poppies'... and came straight here to read your beautiful words.
i thankyou for the sweet comment you left.
My blog comment column does'nt work so i m momentarily deprived of replying. However, strangely enough, it seems to work on yours.
Many many hugs.
That's a beautiful and hopeful poem and an inspiring photo.
A poem full of color, hope and optimism. You're absolutely right, in a field in full sun spring grays do not exist, and if there are absorbed by the other colors. A very nice poem. Besos.
Thank you dearest col , for your thoughtful words. I have just visited your 'field of red poppies', your images are magnificent and your words so beautiful.
There seems to be quite a few problems with 'Blogger' lately, I hope your comment column will return to normal soon.
Love and hugs, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Dawn for your lovely comment, yes it is a poem of hope and optimism.
I love the image, I searched for quite a while before I found one that was just right. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi for your thoughtful comment, it is true, in a sunny field of colourful Spring flowers there is no room for grey, no room for sadness ... I must always remember that there is always beauty and happiness somewhere and must look for it.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Lovely work....
you ake me happy Dianne.
Have a nice sunday,
Its so beautiful and hopeful:)
Wish you a great day,
lots of love, Mona
Thank you dear Joop for your lovely comment, I am pleased that my poem made you happy ... you would most certainly appreciate the beauty of a field of flowers.
Have a great Sunday, warm wishes Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Mona for your thoughtful comment, there is something so lovely about a field of flowers to bring us some happiness.
Have a great Sunday,
lots of love, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
so beuaty the flowers :D
god job!
big hug, have a good sunday!
Very beautiful and hopeful! Loved it!!! Keep writing!!!
So lovely your comment dear Tiago, yes the flowers are beautiful! :)
Big hugs to you too and a good week!
beijos xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Opaque , for your encouraging comment, I am pleased that you loved my poem! :)
xoxoxo ♡
Dianne, such a nice poem!
It is not so pessimistic as a previous one, though it was also beautiful.
I wish you new inspiration!
My dughter writes songs. Sometimes she does it in English. If it is interesting for you you may find one here:
Dear Dianne, a lot of color in the soul of the colorful wild flowers, a flower can bring hope, beautiful your inner words, written in a sad hand ...
Love Greetings Jasmin
Thank you dear tattina , yes this poem is more hopeful than the previous one ... we have to hold on to our hopes no matter what life sends our way.
Thank you for the link, a lovely song by your daughter.
xoxoxo ♡
liebe Jasmin , thank you dear friend, yes, some inner sadness but there is always beauty in a flower and hope in the promise of a new day.
Love Greetings Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
I love the world of colour. The idea of living for a day in the world of colour is wonderful and invigorating. Incredible poem!
Olá, amiga!
Amei a poesia... inspirada e alegre com as flores fotografadas.
Boa semana!
°º✿ Brasil
º° ✿✿♥ ♫° ·.
Nature is the best medicine! I wish you a good new week. Hugs from Luzia.
out of the dark...
Thank you dear Olga , yes it would be a dull world without colour in all of its representations and the beauty of flowers to delight us. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Olá querida Inês , obrigado por seu gentil comentário, fico feliz que tenha gostado do poema e as flores.
Tenha uma boa semana!
xoxoxo ♡
Yes dear Luzia , nature is the best medicine and a field of flowers is a lovely vision to behold.
Thank you, I wish you a happy week too my friend, hugs. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Yes Ruela dear, out of the dark, there is so much colour and warmth in the world to enjoy ... thank you!
xoxoxo ♡
i love this one because it speaks to how I approach sorrow or loneliness. can you ever be alone in nature? it is vibrating with life. I love the meadow photo and could almost approximate that with my own field. If I can get a good shot, I will post it for you. xo
Thanks dearest chickory , no, you can never be alone in nature, it is bursting with life and beauty and is a great cure for loneliness.
I loved that photograph of the meadow/field as soon as I saw it and thought 'that is the image I need to portray hope and happiness' ... I can imagine your meadow is just as lovely and I would love to see it if you can post a photo. :)
xoxoxo ♡
een mooie foto met een mooie tekst..
Groetjes Von
Dank je Von , ik ben blij dat je genoten hebt mijn gedicht en beautful beeld.
Vriendelijke groeten Dianne. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Yes, go and dance in the light! I can imagine you twirling, twirling and dancing in the field of flowers..hehe..with me of course!
Thanks, it sounds like a lovely idea HLiza dear, dancing in the light in a field of flowers together would be such fun. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Dear frend,
I want too a world of colour . . .
and flowers, and friends, and love...
thanks Dianne!!!
hugswith colors from Spain
eljardindemiduende ^^ ^^
Yes dear friend Elia , a world of colour, flowers, friends and love would be perfect ... thank you for the 'hugs of colour' from Spain.
besos xoxoxo ♡
This morning as I rushed out to work I took a moment to admire my yellow lillies. They reminded me of you .. :) It's not a field of flowers, but a flower bed of flowers and they are for you.
Thank you dearest Foamy ,you are very kind and thoughtful to me, a bed of yellow lillies would be perfect for me, any flowers would make me happy.
I have been watching a short video of Claude Monet's garden at Giverny, the masses of flowers and the colours there are amazing.
I hope you have a good day!
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Skizo !
xoxoxoxo ♡
lovely d,
lovely pic
v.good poem to go with it
i hope you have a sunny, flowering day <3
× × ×
Thank you dear /t., for your thoughtful comment and kind wishes ... yes I look forward to sunny, flowering days.
I am so pleased that you enjoyed my poem and the lovely pic. :)
Happy Summer days to you too!
xoxoxo ♡
Bom fim de semana!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
Obrigada querida amiga Inês, um fim de semana lindo para você também. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Wake up full of beautiful color, always a great pleasure to greet pass.
you have a nice week.
Gracias, querido Ricardo por su visita y por tu comentario reflexivo.
Espero que tengas una semana hermosa!
xoxoxo ♡
Yes, we have to enjoy spring, flowers and colours to day ! Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow !
wish you a sunny day dear Dianne
Yes dear Marty , so many beautiful blessings of Spring flowers for us to enjoy. You must have a wonderful garden when I see the images that you post on your blog.
Thanks, it is very cold here at present but as long as there is some sunshine I don't mind ... have a lovely sun filled day yourself dear Marty.
xoxoxo ♡
Dianne, I think that's my all-time favorite poem of yours. Beautiful images, light and airy feeling, a reading of joy.
Thank you dear Kathleen , I am so pleased that you enjoyed my poem, yes it is filled with hope and optimism and appreciation for what I already have.
xoxoxo ♡
kinda quiet over here. you busy in the garden?
Yes dearest chickory , it is quiet over here, I have not been well, nothing serious though ... thank you for asking. Just left me with no inspiration for a happy poem or post, but I will be back soon.
hugs and love, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Pasaba a dejarte mis saludos
y que tengas un buen fin de semana.
un abrazo.
Querido amigo Ricardo , gracias por tu mensaje reflexivo ... les deseo un buen fin de semana también.
Un abrazo
xoxoxo ♡
dianne, i hope you are better soon!
dear dianne ! thank you so much for your words ! you are so nice !
I'm happy that you understand my words now and that you like them,
even if Google is not a good translater !!!
I wish you a wonderful weekend
Thank you dearest Foamy , for your thoughtfulness, I hope I will be well again soon too.
xoxoxo ♡
Dear Marty , I love visitng your blog to see your amazing and beautiful photographs; you are an artist with your camera and capture the most wonderful images, then your words add to the whole experience of enjoyment... and yes I can understand their sentiment and meaning in relation to your photographs. :)
Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful weekend also!
xoxoxo ♡
I am very impressed by your poem, and photo of flower very nice!
Thank you dear Art , I am pleased that you enjoyed my poem and yes the image is lovely.
xoxoxo ♡
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