I have no feeling of quiet content
All is too quiet
I am distracted
I feel frustration
For I have nothing of you
but Memories
Dreaming of wishes that may never be
You say you will return
but when?
How long must I wait
this time?
My hopes on holdthis time?
I am suspended
between the past
and what might be
Waiting ...
With an urgency I cannot explain
Something that mystifies
the boundaries of my thoughts
Do you hear me?
I cannot hold my words
I cannot still my heart
I miss you, I need you
I want to breathe again
To feel your warmth
To hear your words ...
I call out to you
But I cannot reach you
It is as if you are in some void
Where my voice falls silent
At the edges
Of your self imposed exile
From the world, from all, from me?
And cannot penetrate this immutable shell ...
My words come back to me in soft echoes
Of sadness and longing
My wish for all to be as it was
Goes unheard
And fades just like my hopes
Into oblivion ...
Prose: Dianne D ... ♥
Image: Black and White Portrait from 'we heart it'
Footnote: I did not consciously wish to compose another poem of sadness, yet these words have been waiting to be spoken ... I realise you must tire of them. Due to recent events in my life and the departure of two people for whom I care, one for an indefinite period of time, the other I don't know why ... this prose has significance to me on many levels ... I look forward to happier times and poems ... ♥
Image: Black and White Portrait from 'we heart it'
Footnote: I did not consciously wish to compose another poem of sadness, yet these words have been waiting to be spoken ... I realise you must tire of them. Due to recent events in my life and the departure of two people for whom I care, one for an indefinite period of time, the other I don't know why ... this prose has significance to me on many levels ... I look forward to happier times and poems ... ♥
I can not understand everything, but in general it's a beautiful prose.
Writing well, congratulations!
A hug!
Fantastic work. It gives a slightly lonely feeling, as well as the feeling of being away from someone you love.
Grazie caro Franz per il tuo commento riflessivo, purtroppo, le poesie e prosa non si traducono con successo ... Si tratta di un poema di tristezza, raggiungendo a qualcuno che ha lasciato a tempo indeterminato e sperando per il loro ritorno ... scritto in parte da esperienze e da una fantasia...
Un abbraccio
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Olga for your thoughtful comment ... this prose has some truth with a little fantasy included.
xoxoxo ♡
Beautiful poem of despair. And is that life is for living and not to wait, because time passes quickly and the life. Besos.
An interesting entry, but a bit melancholic, but very beautiful.
Greetings .-
My dear friend Foamy , has been having difficulty posting a comment here so she sent me her comment in an e-mail which I shall now post here:
dianne, your prose is your art. this is how you express yourself. you don't have to write to write 'happy' all the time now :-)
it's sad and frustrated but beautiful.
May 24,2011 6:58PM
Thank you dear Foamy for sending your comment in an e-mail after four failed attempts at posting it here ... a Blogger problem most likely.
You are right I can publish my poems whether they are happy or sad,I am putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I just don't want you all to think that I am a miserable soul who only thinks about sad things and not being loved, I am a normal happy person most of the time.
I was very sad last night after reading some messages from my absent friend and listening to some music links that he had sent me...he says he will return so all I can do is wait, but I do grow impatient sometimes, as time skips away so quickly but not while you are waiting for someone to return.
Thank you dear Foamy for your constant support and kindness, I really appreciate your friendship.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi , yes it is a sad poem and one of desperation ... time passes so quickly and we must use the time we have for living, being with and communicating with the people we care for and love ... if we wait too long it can be too late.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Enrique a melancholic poem, one written out of desperation, when one realises that there may not be a future with this person any more and ceases to believe in hope...yes there was some beauty amongst my words.
Saludos xoxoxo ♡
wonderful! so nice and deep feeling lovely!
Thanks for your coment, and yes, is on a sleep :P
Thank you dear Tiago , yes my prose is deep with many emotions expressed, I am pleased that you enjoyed it.
Your photograph of the swan was so lovely, I thought it was asleep! :)
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Sorry dear Dianne, i realy dont know what hapens to your coment, i only no, that the coment disapier, sometimes the internet do things that i dont understand, im so sorry :(
thnaks for coment again!
Kiss **
Thank you my dear Tiago , no need to apologise, these strange things happen with the internet many times, at least you were able to see my comment, I thought your photograph was beautiful. :)
Dianne Love your words a heart break .... because I can sympathize with you, you know!, the fate is hard, but you you should also think of beauty, or breaks your heart ...
your poem is nice
liebe Grüße Jasmin
Liebe Jasmin , ich danke Ihnen für Ihre nachdenklichen Kommentar, ja das Gedicht es traurig ist und die Gefühle ausgedrückt sind herzzerreißend, es ist meine Art der Externalisierung meine Enttäuschung. Ich weiß, Sie können nachempfinden und verstehen, aber ich werde schon gut gehen, ich kann immer noch sehen und fühlen die Schönheit in jeden Tag.
Liebe Grüße, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
A poem anchored in a harbour of pain where emotions sinks us into despairs until words come to our rescue.
Longing to be heard, to be understood.
The struggle with the truth of things, the reality of the facts slowly exhausts and drains.... we sucuumb.
Our guilt inflicts us, making us wonder what are our faults to undergo such trails.
We tell ourselves 'There's nothing painful than being ignored, excluded from where we wished we belonged....'
Our unhappiness grows bigger, our illusions plays tricks....and
we become our own prisoners.
Things are never as easy as the display of words.
But Freedom is always near beckoning us....' breathe me ' it whispers.
'Take my hands ' it says' they are warm and strong!'
'Cultivate sufficient distance where you can allow your emotions to surround you and not choke you!'....
And most of all allow things to happen....and be compassionate with yourself.
Dianne, Thanks to your poem i'm able to tell all this to myself!
Thank you dearest col for your beautiful words, I am pleased that my humble prose, my prayer has helped you, putting my feelings into words has helped me.
All that you have said is true, I am a prisoner of my feelings for this man whom I miss so much, whom I care for so much and even though I am hurting I would be a lesser person if I did not care so much, for somewhere in the great plan of things I think he needs me and perhaps one day he will realise this ... until then I must stop holding my breath and breathe, distance myself a little from the intensity of my feelings, be compassionate with myself and as you say let things begin to happen if they are meant to be as nothing can be forced.
Hugs and kisses
Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
I hope that peace and quiet have come to your soul and the sadness and nostalgia you feel for fine has flown through the crack of hope and he no longer feels the frustration.
That love at your door and call you back the illusion.
Have a nice weekend.
a kiss.
Thank you dear Ricardo for your beautiful words of comfort ... Yes dear friend some quiet acceptance has come to my heart, I am trying to rationalise all of this and distance myself from the intensity of my feelings...I am left with an empty feeling of hopelessness, perhaps the hope that I held was just an illusion.
I think he has forgotten me and if he did ever feel any affection for me or cared at all about me as a person he would not remain so distant and silent...
Strange, as I was aware that he would never love me, I had never expected that he would, all I hoped for was his continuing friendship and some loyalty.
Besos xoxoxo ♡
Dear Dianne,
The farewells, the absences are hard, the heart grows sad and you look for explanations, need to find the peace, the quiet...
I know that you will find it, because your soul is full of life, of happiness and hope, and in these words you are leaving little by little this feeling...
A great embrace
I congratulate you on your poetry,
Happy weekend - besos
eljardindemiduende ^^
Thank you dear Elia for your thoughtful words, it is how you have said, farewells are always sad and especiallly when there is no reasonable explanation and difficult to comprehend when the absences continue without any contact...one looks for rational answers. I worry that something is awry or is it just an excuse to distance himself from me, I wonder?
Hugs to you dear friend and a happy weekend.
xoxoxo ♡
Happier times will come! Hugs from Luzia.
Thank you dear Luzia , for your thoughtful comment; yes I hope so too.
xoxoxo ♡
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