The birds still sing their song
But I cannot find my voice
Somehow it has gone
Maybe I have lost it
In my words of yesterday
Or perhaps I just misplaced it
In the lyrics of a song
They held so much promise
In the warmth of days gone by
And they seemed to have some purpose
When spoken yesterday
In the emptiness of the present
They seem so far away
Perhaps they were lost
Somewhere along the way
Wasted, spent, rejected
Who knows anyway...
Maybe I shall find them
In the colour of the day
Amongst the petals of a flower
I can hope ... anyway!
Poem : Dianne D ... ♥
Image: Tulip 'Charming Beauty'
One must live with hope, I believe.
Hello Dianne
Coult it be nicer....no,
it's really wonderful.
thanks for sharing.
Warm greetings from Holland
kisses, Joop
Liebe Dianne ,
ein Seelen Gedicht……….
voll Liebe und Hoffnung……
ich denke an dich,
viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Pfingsten
herzlichst Jasmin
Olá, amiga!
Do ontem devemos guardar apenas as boas lembranças mas o hoje deve ser vivido intensamente.
Boa semana!
。˚ ˚ ˛✿
I'm sure you will find again the words you've lost ! you are so nice !
wish you a lovely colorful day dear Dianne
Thanks for stopping by dear J Cosmo , yes one should always live with hope, at least then you think there may be something to look forward to.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Joop , it is because of you that I found this beautiful image of the tulip. I had no idea that there were 'double' tulips until I saw one on your blog on May 30, 2010, it was called 'Charming Lady, very beautiful.
I am pleased that you enjoyed the poem and the image. :)
Warm greetings from me!
kisses, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Liebe Jasmin , ich danke Ihnen für Ihre nachdenkliche Worte, ja ein Gedicht voller Liebe und Hoffnung. Also für Ihre Wünsche für Pfingstsonntag, wünsche ich Ihnen an diesem Tag auch und danke für den Link
Liebe Grüße und Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Obrigada querida Inês, sim, é importante prender as boas lembranças, um pouco de calor a partir do passado, mas temos de tentar viver o presente.
Feliz Dia dos Namorados para você
Boa Semana
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Marty , I hope I can find my words, my voice again, I live in hope.
You are very nice too dear friend, have a lovely day too!
xoxoxo ♡
It seems you have found your words, dianne.
You are using to how you feel in the present.
I am glad you are out and about again .. :)
Bela fotografia...belo poema...Espectacular....
Obrigada querida Skizo ! :)
Beijos xoxoxo ♡
Yes dearest Foamy , it was a miserable morning here yesterday, cold, raining and windy, it has been for most of the week. I was having my coffee and outside in the shelter of the carport I could hear the birds singing and I got to thinking even in these terrible weather conditions they could still find their morning songs to sing. I have not been able to find the words recently due to being unwell and other reasons and then this poem came to me. Funny, I found the words to explain how I feel in the present and searching for my words...would you call that a paradox I wonder?
Thank you dear Foamy for your ever constant friendship, I hope you are enjoying your holidays now?
xoxoxo ♡
Fernando, querido amigo, obrigado pela visita e deixar um comentário tão bonito!
xoxoxo ♡
Yesterday is gone, but not your voices.
Yesterday is gone, but not all of it...a part is still with you for you to cherish.
Nothing is wasted, nothing is spent...they all labour in our thoughts....and they shall bring forth new flowers!
And bird will sing till you'll sing with them.
Sending you cheers, and a lot of warmth.
Thankyou Beautiful Dianne for your lovely poem.
Beautiful poem, by the way many things are lost, but there are also new ones. I'm sure you'll find many things that make you happy. Besos.
Hi!!! :D
one of my pictures is on contest, with the theme "music" The voting process is open to the public and is performed by facebook. So if you like photography please help me, thank you so much by your vote.
To vote, click on the link http://www.facebook.com/musiquim and then placed a like in the page (if you dont put a like on the page, you can not vote). then go to this picture and vote for her. You can see the picture in http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=213791601993704&set=a.213791175327080.57013.122134297826102&type=1&theater
thank you!
Kisses and hugs: D
Thank you dearest col , you are always so wise and always so sweet to me.
True, yesterday is gone but not my voices, I will find them again so that I may express how I feel.
There are many people from my yesterdays that I will always treasure.
No, my words were not wasted even if they were spent, ignored and rejected, my words were sincere if not received in the manner I had hoped for ... there was a need for them to be spoken.
Perhaps one day my thoughts which I express in words will bring forth new flowers, or buds at least in the hope that they shall blossom in the garden of someone's heart, a garden where the birds still sing.
Thanking you for your kindness, your thoughtful words and your warmth my dearest col.
love and hugs, Dianne
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi , I am happy that you enjoyed my poem.
Yes my dear friend many things are lost but I hope I have new experiences to look forward to, those which will bring some happiness.
xoxoxo ♡
Hi dear Tiago , I shall see what I can do ... good luck!
hugs and kisses:D
xoxoxo ♡
I always get a little jealous of poets. I really enjoy your ability to notice and express the feeling of a day.
Thank you dear Olga , that is kind of you to say. I put my feelings into words, sometimes I can find the words to express my feelings very easily, they flow, then other times it takes some time to find the right words. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Sweet Friend,
I hope that between the heat of the petals of the flowers you find your song, your way .. this heat!
I am sure, and everything will return to be illuminated!!
A great embrace
eljardindemiduende >..<
Thank you sweet Elia ,
yes I hope I find my words, my song in the beauty of the petals of the flowers, in all that brings warmth, light and beauty to my soul...and in the friendship of all who visit here. :)
A big hug to you sweet friend!
Besos xoxoxo ♡
I think they migrated north for the winter. I've been hearing your words telling me to burn things, not pay my taxes, and talk on my cell phone while the movie is playing, and write a new post. I suspect they turned evil upon crossing the equator.
Pugsley my sweet,so lovely to hear from you.
Perhaps my words have migrated north but only to find the warmth of the Summer weather... they would never become evil upon crossing the equator nor would I tell you to do such terrible things.
I would however encourage you to write a new post if you felt so inclined, it would be nice to hear what is happening in your world. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Dianne, a nice poem and so simple to understand for a not Englishspeaking person!
I think I'll use it for teaching my pupils English.
I hope your inspiration will never leave you.
for someone
without a voice,
you make a fine sound!
wishing you a wonderful week, d
× × ×
Thank you dear tattina , I'm pleased that you could easily understand my poem.
I hope my inspiration never leaves me but some feelings are easier to express in words than others. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear /t. , you are very kind to me but I have been struggling somewhat lately to find the words which are pertinent to the feeings I wish to express.
Thanks, you have a wonderful week too!
xoxoxo ♡
Thy will be done, m'lady. A new post awaits your perusal. I hope you like Part II of "The Great Pugsly".
The words I'd been hearing, must have been from your evil twin in New Zealand. I'll listen for your non-evil words instead from here on out.
Pugsly , my sweet, I have just read Part II of your story and was most amused and impressed, it is so nice to have you back with us.
Pugsly dear I don't believe I have an evil twin in New Zealand, perhaps some other evil female is channelling these suggestions to you.
Just stick with me my sweet, I would never suggest that you do anything that was wrong or remotely evil! :)
xoxoxo ♡
I'm sure you will soon find again the illusion.
I leave you my greetings and wish
Have a happy weekend.
a hug.
Yes dear Ricardo , I do hope to once again find the illusion, the inspiration for poetry.
Thank you for your kind words and greetings and I also wish you a happy weekend. :)
a hug.
xoxoxoxo ♡
Gracias, querido Allek . :)
xoxoxo ♡
。˚ ˚ ˛✿♪♫♪
Obrigado por seus desejos Inês !
Beijinhos. xoxoxo ♡
Gorgeous entry "Words of Yesterday" and gorgeous song
A very beautiful flower, the photo.
Greetings .-,
Thank you dear Enrique for your lovely comment, I am happy that you enjoyed my words and the photo of the beautiful 'double' tulips. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Obrigado Elisabete , sua poesia é tão bela!
xoxoxo ♡
Hello beautiful poem, and beautiful photographs.in your blog regards.
Thank you Victoria for visiting my blog and for your thoughtful comment. :)
Kinds regards, Dianne.
Gracias Victoria por visitar mi blog y por tu comentario reflexivo.
Un cordial saludo, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
my dearest dianne ♥ a wonderful poem with LOVE, thanks for this lovely moment ♥♥♥
Light and L♥ve for you my dear
best wishes woman
Thank you dearest ♥ woman ♥, for your lovely comment; I have missed your posts and your visits, I hope your life is still filled with Light and L♥ve...
best wishes, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Si te gustan las poesias y las flores,ya te ganaste medio paraiso
Saludo Juan
Gracias Juan por sus palabras reflexiva, la poesía y las flores son muy especiales para mí.
xoxoxo ♡
i love this blog!! i'm following you..
Thank you Marie for becoming a follower,I'm happy that you love my blog!
xoxoxo ♡
El mar fuente de la vida tan mal cuidado,poco a poco lo estamos convirtiendo en un basurero.
Tu que tanto amas a la naturaleza,
tu sencibilidad estaras sufriendo
por ello.
Tus elogios a mi foto me hacen sentir igual que un colegial.
Un fuerte abrazo
Es una lástima que tanta gente no ve el mar como una fuerza viva hermosa, una fuerza que apoya muchas formas de vida, las criaturas del mar y los pájaros ... la gente ignorante por desgracia, contaminan y lo utilizan como un vertedero de basura, causando así mucho daño ..
Me encantó tu foto querido Juan, el océano es muy hermoso.
Un fuerte abrazo :)
xoxoxoxo ♡
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