Dearest one,
Do you see my heart?
Each day it fades just a little
Its canvas is no longer bright
With the warm colours of love
It is painted with my tears
Feel my heart, it is breaking
I had allowed myself to hope, to dream
Of the impossible, it would seem
Now everything is gone from me
There is no longer any certainty
Removed by the coldness of reality
There was a time when being together
Was something I had wished for
I hoped that you would want me
I cannot feel this any more
The candle of hope
Which once burned so brightly
Has faded, is extinguished
Loneliness consumes me
And takes with it the light
The hours pass so slowly
When everything is night . . .
Prose: Dianne D . . . ♥
Image: Colors of the Rose Free Wallpaper
Do you see my heart?
Each day it fades just a little
Its canvas is no longer bright
With the warm colours of love
It is painted with my tears
Feel my heart, it is breaking
I had allowed myself to hope, to dream
Of the impossible, it would seem
Now everything is gone from me
There is no longer any certainty
Removed by the coldness of reality
There was a time when being together
Was something I had wished for
I hoped that you would want me
I cannot feel this any more
The candle of hope
Which once burned so brightly
Has faded, is extinguished
Loneliness consumes me
And takes with it the light
The hours pass so slowly
When everything is night . . .
Prose: Dianne D . . . ♥
Image: Colors of the Rose Free Wallpaper
This is why I scammed my satellite television provider into free HBO and Cinemax. Of course, everyone's path to happiness can differ slightly. Perhaps - as I'm sure is the case for many of your readers - premium porn channels are just the medicine.
Everything is never gone from you. You are left with you for yourself, and that is your most cherished and priceless possession. Hope drives mankind, so never let it slip away.
I can sense that your loneliness is somewhat intense, Dianne. Forgive me if I'm wrong..I wish you'll get all the love you need dear..we may not know how..just hoping will be good too. Hugs.
I wish I had a magic wand and could cure your sadness. I t just drips from your poem.
Dreaming of the impossible is a forlorn task.
Oh Pugsley my sweet, you always put a smile on my face.
I don't think I will find my path to happiness by watching porn channels, I cannot access them anyway but HBO have certainly produced some great programmes which I have enjoyed.
Thank you for stopping by and for cheering me up.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Opaque for your kind words.
I know that I still have myself, I will always have myself but at present I cannot find the answers I am seeking nor the peace of mind that I need.
I feel I was hoping for too much and putting my faith in something that can never be.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dearest HLiza for your kind and thoughtful words, yes I could do with some love, maybe it will find me some day.
My loneliness seems to be amplified just recently but I shall be alright, I just seem to hope for things that are impossible.
Hugs to you.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear J Cosmo , I too wish you had a magic wand.
As you say dreaming of the impossible is a forlorn task,I know that only too well.
Please don't be concerned for me, I am working through this,writing these words has helped.
I am facing up to reality, we don't always get what we wish and hope for ... I will be fine, just as I was before.
xoxoxo ♡
this is a very sad poem ...
maybe you should build a pool and hire a pool boy ..
this is a very sad poem ...
maybe you should build a pool and hire a pool boy ..
Yes it is a sad poem dearest Foamy , I had a bad night last night but please don't concern yourself dear friend ... I am alright today.
My life isn't all sadness, sometimes my poems just portray it that way; I think I shall have to stop writing this way and find another muse.
A pool boy, now I did not think of that, I wonder if there are any 'pool men' available, I like more mature men. :-) xoxoxoxoxo ♡
Ohh Dianne, my friend
I am speechless, but very touch by Your loneliness.
Loneliness is a space we create inside ourself, no one else makes it. By keeping yourself in this room You develop other sides of yourself, as poetry etc.
The paradox is that the space of loneliness in Your case seems to be very creative and productive. Tell me, after making Your amazing art, do You still feel weak or does it give You a wave of inner power and strength? You must decide if the space is good or bad for You in the long run, dear friend.
(( Love ))
Don't answer my questions, just get in touch with Your inner core and be honest to Yourself!
Thank you dear Anna-Lys for your kind and thoughtful words. Yes this room of loneliness provides much creativity and a degree of personal expression ... but not all sadness my dear friend, I do step outside of the room often.
I am very much in touch with my inner core and feelings but there is always room for more inner reflection.
(( Love & Hugs )) xoxo ♡
has some moves
nice work, dianne
× × ×
Thank you dear /t. ,
I did not think that you would comment, I thought that you might find my words too depressing ... I am fine just expressing some inner feelings.
xoxoxo ♡
Hi Dianne. I hope that acceptance will open the door to new possibilities.... and, in time, a new love.
Thank you dear Lesley for your kind words, yes I am looking forward to new possibilities but I have given up on the idea of love, I shall find happiness in other pursuits. xoxoxo ♡
I wrote a few pages of poetry in my time. Mostly to do with another person who was busy living a life somewhere else on the planet. I felt foolish. Hurt even. She wasn't really reading my words. She didn't really care. She wasn't really interested in me. She didn't see the thought and care I put into trying to show my love for her. Well, it's been some time now, that she has gone. But every now and then, I stumble across a creased photo and remember times of running crazy through woods, throwing little pine cones at each other and laughing like two children. She was Polish and her name was Weronika. Recently, I have been busy doing some website things. It makes me appear selfish I know. That I don't care about anything. But there's more to it than that. More I could say but... well, I'm doing it again. I'm talking to myself... I must stop this.
I wrote a few pages of poetry in my time. Mostly to do with another person who was busy living a life somewhere else on the planet. I felt foolish. Hurt even. She wasn't really reading my words. She didn't really care. She wasn't really interested in me. She didn't see the thought and care I put into trying to show my love for her. Well, it's been some time now, that she has gone. But every now and then, I stumble across a creased photo and remember times of running crazy through woods, throwing little pine cones at each other and laughing like two children. She was Polish and her name was Weronika. Recently, I have been busy doing some website things. It makes me appear selfish I know. That I don't care about anything. But there's more to it than that. More I could say but... well, I'm doing it again. I'm talking to myself... I must stop this.
That is a lovely memory dear Alexandre and I have read some of your beautiful poetry, maybe they were the poems you had written to your lost love Weronika.
How lucky for her to have spent those precious moments with you,to have the pleasure of your attention and company, how fortunate for her to have your love.
Somehow no matter how hard we try to reach out to the person we love, to convey our affection, they do not see us for the beauty inside or feel the depth of our affection, I know this from personal experience and it is very sad.
Unfortunately we cannot force someone to feel the same about us, to return that love, we just go on hoping until we realise that our hopes will never be realised and our hearts just fade into a sad, empty feeling of acceptance.
You appear selfish? No, you have no commitment to me,you have never promised me anything, I have known this for some time now.
But I do appreciate all of the sweet and thoughtful things that you have done for me, when I look back on some of the messages you have left for me,our lovely communications, they evoke happy memories just like your creased photo of Weronika does for you.
I do know that you are busy with your new website, I know that you do care about many things, I realise that there are some things you don't wish to say or to reveal to me or anyone else...but you aren't talking to yourself, you know that I am always here to listen to what you have to say...I have always been here for you.
Take care my dear friend.
xoxoxo ♡
Merci Dianne. Vous me comprendrez mieux que vous pensez. Je dois y aller maintenant - un avion m'attend! À Bientôt!
(( hug ))
Je comprends comment il se sent être profondément blessé mon ami ... il faut oublier le passé et chercher le bonheur.
Bonnes vacances belle mon cher Alexandre . À bientôt!
xoxoxox ♡
Thank you dear Anna-Lys .
(( Hugs )) to you. xoxoxo ♡
here is my heart ;)
You are very sweet dear Ruela , thank you for the thought but save your heart for someone young and beautiful. ;)
xoxoxo ♡
I don't think that loneliness is finally about being alone.
Quite true my dear Percy , it just feels that way, we can experience loneliness in a room full of people.
Thanks for stopping by my friend.
xoxoxo ♡
Oh Dianne,
All these friends around you are sunshine....how they warm you§
i'm sure something wonderful will happen.
Know that you're loved....let go of whatever holds you back so new things can come to you!
They are all knocking at your door waiting to greet you!
Cheer up my dear friend!
hugs to you!
Tis not my Custom to wax so UnSilly; yet what I intended was more the idea that voids in the self can't be filled by another person. Unless you learn how to be alone with yourself without being lonely then you're going to experience much of life as a condition of loneliness - and that's true whether you're single or in a relationship.
Lovely to see you here dearest Col , your presence always cheers me up as you are very sweet and kind.
True, I have some lovely friends here who like you surround me with warmth and sunshine, so all is not lost.
But I am not so sure that something wonderful will happen or that I am loved or ever will be again, but thank you for your words of hope and optimism.
Hugs to you too my dear friend,
Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
Thank you my dear Sir Percy
for taking the time to come here and impart your thoughtful and sage advice.
Tis true that a void in one's self cannot be filled by another until we can be comfortable with being alone within our own self and accept that being alone does not always predicate loneliness.
Believe me dear friend I am used to being alone and though it might not seem so I am happy in my own company. I find much to fill my days, it is just every now and then that I feel a little lost and hope that someone would love me for I am amiable and affectionate and have so much to bring to a relationship with the right gentleman ... but if that is not to be then I am quite content.
xoxoxo ♡
Good to hear -
Thank you dear Sir Percy .
xoxoxo ♡
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