I have this strangest feeling
I am truly lost tonight
Something happened to me
That I do not understand
I am filled with contradictions
I don't know what to say
I feel I have lost something
Of myself along the way
I am searching for tomorrow
But I am lost in yesterday. . .
Poem: Dianne D ... ♥
Image: iPhone Wallpaper - pure yellow rose
yeah, i've been there with the strange feelings, the confused feelings.
that's certainly a yellow rose. it's beautiful.
yesterdays make for all kinds of diverse memories and lived experiences. that's why it's important to live in the moment but to try to plan for tomorrow ..
we've all been there, and i can tell....it's pretty annoying when something is missing and you don't what it us.
Been there, but have not been able to express it, as beautiful, as YOU <3
Dianne, it is only when you are lost you begin to understand yourself better. Be lost so that you can find yourself again!
When that happened to me, it turned out to be a gas leak.
I think I found your yesterday today, send it back tomorrow.
Yeah..at times it's useful to talk to somebody about it..but not all the time. Some things we just have to figure it ourselves though we don't really know how..
Isn't that the normal human state?
(Granted, not usually put so nicely.)
Thank you dearest Foamy ,
I have been living in the moment,the feelings of last night took me completely by surprise, I think I have let go of some expectations that I once had ...
Yes the rose is very yellow and beautiful I thought, I tried to find a yellow which was more subdued to match my feelings but decided to use this image instead.
xoxoxo ♡
Thanks dear Maha
Yes we have all been here, this is not my first time, I will soon realise what I have lost.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Anna-Lys ,
Yes we have all been here my friend, it was a strange feeling and as I thought about how I felt the words quickly followed.
Thanks for appreciating my words.
xoxox ♡
Thank you dear Opaque
For your kind words,I thought I was fine, but obviously I am not, I will rationalise all of this and get back to being myself.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you for stopping by Pugsley my sweet, no it was nothing as simple as gas leak, much deeper than that.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you Phossy dear,
I would appreciate it if you sent back my yesterday. xoxoxo ♡
Thank you for your thoughts dear Hliza ,
I will figure it all out and hopefully will be able understand what is wrong and what I have lost.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear J Cosmo
Is it normal to feel this way?
I felt utterly lost and realised how alone I am, I wanted to be anywhere but here.
Maybe I have to let go of something from the past in order to move forward, I just don't know what it is that I have lost, but something is missing.
xoxoxo ♡
We are on a journey and are always soemwhat lost unless we are stuck in a rut.
Enjoy the creative trip.
You might say then, that you pause a while in uffish thought? Stand betwixt two worlds, one dead, the other powerless to be born? The devil and the deep blue sea? Rock and a hard place?
Thank you my dear Painter
You are so right, we are always on a journey, maybe my 'hiccup' was a reality check to change the direction in which I am heading.
Let's hope that it is a journey of new creativeness!
Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
My dear Sir Percy
Thank you...lovely to see you here once again.
I am pausing in deep thought between two worlds, one has gone the other has yet to happen, but somehow I lost something of myself along the way ... but this need not be a bad thing, I should look on it as an opportunity.
Your words are so true but I could not have said it quite so eloquently as you have.
xoxoxo ♡
Hello Dianne,
i rather wish for you a poetic sky, painted clouds where you could be lost.....
Thank you my dearest COL
you are always very kind and sweet to me and if I use my imagination I could lose myself in that poetic sky with painted clouds because you wished it for me...
Love to you too,
Dianne. xoxoxo ♡
Hi Dianne. I've had those feelings too at times and cannot put a finger on any reason.... yet, with hindsight, it's usually been when on the verge of a new venture or a new understanding. I hope this is the case for you too.
Why you are searching around...if you find any marbles, they're mine.
Thank you dear Lesley
for your kind words,I am hoping I am on the verge of a better understanding of myself.
xoxoxo ♡
Dear J Cosmo
the only marbles I have around here are made of coloured glass with pretty patterns though I think they are mine ... but I will happily share them if you need any. :)
xoxoxo ♡
You are really OK just as you are. Don't change.
Thank you dearest Alexandre , that is very nice of you to say ... I shall try not to change, I just need to be more accepting of some things in my life.
xoxoxo ♡
You sound lost and drifting. Has it settled down since you wrote that? (I am late on the scene).
Thank you for asking dear Lee , yes I am feeling much more centred, I have to take more time to breathe and smell the flowers.
xoxoxo ♡
I have missed a lot on ur blog , I was so occupied with studies and different things, neither i could update my blog, now visited urs ..
You have posted so many rosy and beautiful poems..wow!!..
What happened ??..hope you must be fine
Take care of yourself
It is lovely to see you here again dear Shweta , I have missed you but I knew you would be busy with your studies.
All of your hard work will be worth it when you have completed your studies.
Yes many more poems ... I am waiting for some inspiration so that I may write another, we shall see. :)
I am fine, thanks, just re-evaluating certain aspects of my life, trying to find a new direction.
You take care too little one,
Love xoxoxo ♡
and welcome back, dear :)
as to those strange feelings, i was told to stop it or my palms would become even hairier
× × ×
You know Dianne, I know EXACTLY how you are feeling (well in my own way of course) but I feel that somehow my life is fading away and I'm only in my forties !! I didn't even want to go swimming in the sea this evening which is VERY unusual! I must get back to some decent heroin ! :-))) X
Long ago I had my tonsils removed...
I haven't been anywhere dear /t. but thanks for welcoming me back.
I was only lost in my thoughts, not pining, not depressed, just trying to cope with a difficult situation and realised how much of my life has been lost ... some of my poems are a reflection of a true situation.
Do you suffer from the same affliction as Lon, hairy hands and palms?
My hands are beautiful, no hair, long slender fingers and perfectly shaped natural finger nails. :-)
xoxoxo ♡
Dear Glyn thank you for your comment but I don't think you have any idea of how I am feeling.
My life isn't fading away it is just very complicated at present, this poem was a way to externalise my thoughts.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel that your life is fading away and you are only in your forties, that you didn't feel like your evening swim.
Hang in there, I'm sure your life will improve but I don't think you will find any help or answers by using heroin! :-))) xoxo ♡
Oh dear Sir Percy ,that is so sad, I'm sorry that you have had your tonsils removed, but surely you don't miss them or feel lost without them?
xoxoxo ♡
Waiting to find you in your next poem!
Dearest Col ,
I am searching for the words for my next poem but I feel it will be one of sadness yet again ... it is a shame that I cannot lose myself in that poetic sky you thought of, the one with the painted clouds.
Love to you too!
Dianne xoxo ♡
In the silence of the night tends to exaggerate the negative feelings and fall in multiple contradictions. I've spent many sleepless nights with negative thoughts and distress. Now when this happens I try to listen to music, read a book, listen to the radio, ... something to entertain, is the best solution if you have someone to comfort you. Greetings.
Thank you dear Leovi for your very thoughtful comment.
I try not to reflect on the negative aspects of the day but sometimes they do creep into my thoughts and cause sleeplessness.
As I have no-one to comfort me I do just as you have suggested, I listen to some music, read a book and actually some of my better poems have come from these sleepless moments.
Saludos. xoxoxo ♡
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