Some more photos of my wilderness garden, these images are from Sunday and Tuesday, I was standing on firm ground when these were taken ... no more risks.
I was delighted to find the morning sun shining softly through the leaves of the Sacred Bamboo, they looked so beautiful in this light, they are just beginning to take on their shades of Autumn. Please enlarge all images; if you look closely in the second photo of the Banksias you can see more new brushes which have not yet fully matured... ♥
I was delighted to find the morning sun shining softly through the leaves of the Sacred Bamboo, they looked so beautiful in this light, they are just beginning to take on their shades of Autumn. Please enlarge all images; if you look closely in the second photo of the Banksias you can see more new brushes which have not yet fully matured... ♥
dr. dianne, i presume
your wilderness garden is wild
and exotic, and very lovely
looks like a perfect hiding spot
for a kangaroo or a koala
such inspiration here
× × ×
So lovely photographs. Beautiful light.
With Love, Mirthe
Dear Dianne
this garden is wonderful, you're in nature,
I do not know because obviously plants are native, and I love it!
I'm glad that you take precautions for taking pictures.
Thank you for letting us into this marvel of nature in which you are,
eljardindemiduende ^^
great colors, very strong greens :)
kisses :D
How so very beautiful! I'm sure the colors for fall would be quite lovely too.
What a treat in the morning to see the nature in full bloom! Lovely, Dianne:)
No, dear /t. , not Dr. Dianne, just Dianne, but thank you. :)
When I first came here this was a remote area and my parcel of land was part of larger property. Apart from some eucalyptus trees and some other native plants it had been cleared, just grass and weeds.
I did some research about the local flora and everything you see here has been planted by me. I wanted to recreate what had been taken away so that it blended with the natural bushland which covers most of ths area.
Yes a perfect habitat for so many native animals, birds etc., it is a sanctuary for them.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Mirthe for your kind comment, yes, the light is beautiful.
With love, Dianne.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you Elia my sweet friend, yes, I am in nature amongst the native plants here.
I also have my 'exotics' as I love flowers, so you will find bright yellow marigolds, calendulas, azaleas and more, all planted into little pockets of garden spaces.
Yes, I am being much more careful as I am still recovering from that last fall.
I am pleased that you enjoyed your visit. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Tiago there are many shades of beautiful green. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dearest Foamy for your lovely comment. The colours of fall here are not so dramatic and beautiful as your northern hemisphere trees. Some in the colder areas are spectacular but many trees are evergreen and those which do change have more subtle colours.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Rahul , yes I am very fortunate to live here, nature at my doorstep and many beautiful trees. :)
xoxoxo ♡
when you said "your own",
it didn't register you meant
this is in reality your own creation
most impressive & admirable!
× × ×
Thank you dear /t. yes it is my own work with the help of Mother Nature, mine and the many animals who share it.
A lot of hard work which is still in progress but it gives me so much enjoyment and is worth every hour I have spent toiling away. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Dianne.Por tus fotos adivino tu amor a la naturaleza,ella y tus libros nunca te defraudarán,siempre estarán a tu lado.
Siento un poco de ego por tener a
una amiga que le gustan mis fantasias
Un fuerte abrazo
I swear I saw a native bearer, with a calico wrapped box balanced on his head, disappear into the bushes...
Beautiful pictures of this delicious desert garden, I wish I have one like it.
Dianne tienes un jardín espectacular, estás creando un lugar maravilloso lleno de vida! :)
Amiga Dianne.Celebro que mi fantasias
te hallan echo recordar tus dias de vacaciones,en mi tierra el sol lo tenemos perpetuo,porque Andalucia está muy cerca de Afica.
Un fuerte abrazo
Juan mi amigo, sí la naturaleza es un buen compañero, siempre nos sorprende con su belleza. Me gusta mucho tus fantasías y me alegra que me haga feliz.
Un cálido abrazo
xoxoxo ♡
Yes dear J Cosmo , it does look like a jungle! :)
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi for your lovely comment, I am so pleased that you like my piece of wilderness. :)
xoxoxo ♡
Áurea querida, gracias por tus palabras bien pensadas, sí, mi jardín es un trozo viviente de arte gracias a la belleza de las plantas y apoya tanto la vida.
xoxoxo ♡
Juan mi amigo, tu hermoso de la fantasía me hizo recordar los días de sol en la playa en un día de fiesta, hace tantos años.
Un fuerte abrazo
xoxoxo ♡
Wonderful wild places. I love them.
Thank you dear Lorna for your thoughtful comment, yes, I love them too! :)
xoxoxo ♡
i love these wild overgrown and exotic images. You must have a big yard - im glad. I see where all the poems are inspiring landscape to be sure. xooxox love you golden
Thank you dear chickory , I am glad you like my wilderness ... apart from the eucalyptus tree in these photos I have planted everything myself as well as some plants courtesy of the birds. It is a big yard for this area, just over a 1/4 of an acre.
Love you too sweet girl.
xoxoxo ♡
Amiga Dianne.Tus escritos referente a mis fantasias son parte de tu forma de ver la vida,profunda y al mismo tiempo apasible y con un gran sentido de la responsabilidad.
Un fuerte abrazo
Juan querido amigo, muchas gracias, sus fantasías de la naturaleza son hermosos y muy especial para mí.
Un fuerte abrazo
xoxoxo ♡
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