Hush, let the calm wash over you
There is peace to be found
In the soft voice of the wind
It moves gently through the trees
And stirs the verdant leaves
Its song is one that soothes
And calms
And will take away all cares
The sadness in your heart
Shall soon be gone
Hush, listen and hear its song
The wild roar of the tempest
That did torment you will quieten
On its journey through the trees
They still the tempest in its path
And all will be peace and calm
Hush, let the calm wash over you
It shall release you
And quiet the restless stirrings
In your heart . . .
There is peace to be found
In the soft voice of the wind
It moves gently through the trees
And stirs the verdant leaves
Its song is one that soothes
And calms
And will take away all cares
The sadness in your heart
Shall soon be gone
Hush, listen and hear its song
The wild roar of the tempest
That did torment you will quieten
On its journey through the trees
They still the tempest in its path
And all will be peace and calm
Hush, let the calm wash over you
It shall release you
And quiet the restless stirrings
In your heart . . .
Poem by Dianne D ... ♥
Image courtesy of Des Boxall at Picasa Web Albums
so lovely and i agree whole heartedly with the sentiment. xoxox
something soothing
wind moving through trees
another winner, d
× × ×
hearing the rustle of the leaves against the wind is as soothing to me as listening to the ocean.
this is lovely. like /t. said .. a winner.
Thank you dear chickory I'm so pleased that you enjoyed my poem and its sentiment ... you would be able to enjoy the song of the wind, from the gentlest rustle to the song of a storm.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear /t. , for your praise of my poem and yes it is very soothing to hear the wind moving through the trees.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Foamy , I'm pleased that you enjoyed my poem... yes there are many soothing sounds that I like but the sound of the wind and the ocean are two that I love.
xoxoxo ♡
Mmmm...nice. After a busy week, a grove of rustling trees would be just what the doc ordered.
Dianne beautiful poem. I would go even forest like yours to listen to the melodies of the tree and open my heart to let the wind take my punishment and they do other beautiful songs.
Thanks dear Lee , pleased that you liked the poem; yes an afternoon spent relaxing in a cool grove of rustling trees would be lovely.
xoxoxo ♡
Thank you dear Leovi , for your praise of my poem.
Yes it is a lovely experience to go into the forest and listen to the songs of the trees, to lay back on soft grass and watch the tree canopy as it moves in the wind letting in little rays of sunshine between the leaves. It is a good place to open up your heart to the beauty of nature and her ability to put life into perspective.
Saludos. xoxoxo ♡
I spent this morning looking up at trees. I went to Lynchmere in Surrey this morning for a walk and whilst there I noticed that small yellow leaves were silently falling all around me on the frozen grass. I looked up and the different colours were just amazing. I have a strong affinity with trees and I know that you have too. You'll remember that at the end of one film we saw, a certain girl touched a tree. I don't believe it meant anything in particular. I just believe that it is good for sensitive persons to touch trees from time to time and to be in awe of their splendour. A beautiful poem once again, Dianne. I enjoyed it very much. 'It shall release you' - how very true. May you have a very fine evening. A.F.
Thank you dear Alexande I am so pleased that you enjoyed my poem.
Yes, like you I am very fond of trees, I like to touch them, there doesn't have be a particular reason other than that of their beauty,their constancy; their bark is varied in texture and colour and it is very tactile.
I love looking up into the canopy, I sometimes wish I was a bird, it would be so nice to spend some time in the higher branches... there is something reassuring about the strength of a tree and yes I am totally in awe of them.
Such a lovely way to spend your morning, you describe it so well, I can almost imagine that I too am there.
How beautful the yellow leaves would have looked falling silently around you on the frozen grass.
Have a fine Saturday Alexandre.
xoxoxo ♡
Not much wind here. The days have been cool and clam, very nice indeed. Had a great T-Day with the family -- dogs kids and all!!
Hi Phossy dear, so nice to hear from you. We had one lovely Spring morning here last week, the temperature was still cool and there was a fresh, gentle wind making its way through the trees and foliage, part of the inspiration for this poem.
It was welcomed as we have had a mix of high temperatures, hot winds and humidity and today it is cooler and raining, such a relief.
I'm pleased to hear that your days have been cool and calm, I hope you get many pleasant days like this.
Good to hear that you had a great Thanksgiving Day with your family, the kids, dogs and all, that's what it is all about.
xoxoxo ♡
ok, so it is windy today. Spoke too soon.
Never mind Phossy dear, we need a little wind sometimes, I hope it is a cooling wind.
It is still raining here, unusual for this time of year.
xoxoxo ♡
As a Pug "on the go", I unfortunately only have time for a car wash on the go. Someday soon I want to try it in an actual car. There probably would be less of a tempest.
So lovely to hear from you Pugsley my sweet, I guess you have been very busy, you have been missed.
No, I would not like to go through a car wash sans car, it would be a very soapy, wet, uncomfortable experience for a little dog such as yourself. I have a nice bath and shower if you ever need a wash.
xoxoxo ♡
You pick some nice pictures for your poems.
Thanks dear Lil Lamb , I try to find nice pictures that will reflect the theme of the poem and its inspiration; I am fortunate to have friends such as Des who allows me to use his images.
xoxoxo ♡
A poem after my own heart....could feel the 'hush' in your words.
I hoped that you would read this poem dear col as you have an affinity with trees just as I do, I'm so pleased that you could feel the 'hush', very soothing.
xoxoxo ♡
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