Where is your cell phone? purse
Your hair? golden
Your mother? deceased
Your father? deceased
Your favorite food? salad
Your dream last night? romantic
Your favorite drink? juice
Your dream/goal? security
What room are you in? office
Your hobby? gardening
Your Fear? loneliness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? relationship
Where were you last night? friend's
Something that you aren’t? insincere
Muffins? English
Wish list item? love
Where did you grow up? Sydney
Last thing you did? phoned
What are you wearing? black
Your TV? digital
Your pets? kitties
Friends? close
Your life? busy
Your mood? happy
Missing someone? yes
Vehicle? Corolla
Something you’re not wearing? watch
Your favorite store? Target
Your favorite color? yellow
When was the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? today
Your best friend? children
One place that I go to over and over? supermarket
One person who emails me regularly? Rebecca
Favorite place to eat? Thai
I am to pass this award on to six people, there are more than six who deserve this but I would like to give this to the following friends ...
Foamy, because you are such a sweetheart and you're always here for me and never let me down.
Chickory/K9, because you too are a sweetheart, are always here for me and protect me.
Sarah Sofia, because you are kind and generous and have offered me your help in the past.
Lil Lamb, because you are such a lovely, sweet girl and I like you to visit.Pug, because you have been such a good friend to me, given me good advice and you make me laugh.
HLiza, because you have had a bad experience this year, you are a lovely person, I love your blog and your photography.
Sorry about the variation in font size, I have edited this post about six times now but the problem persists, so I will just leave it as is before anything else goes awry.♡ :-)
I was about to be completely offended by the seemingly callous variation in font sizes, but you did apologise* (* note the homage to Aussie spelling) for it, so I shall embrace the chaos.
Congratulations, and yes(!), I humbly accept my award [my very FIRST(!) in blogland, in fact]. Stay tuned for my "formal post of acceptance".
of course, dianne, you deserve this award ....
and i graciously accept my award .. you are too kind ... and it's easy to be your friend ..
ps: variation in font size? i see non. you must have corrected it ..
i think i just might do this meme soon ..
but after i come back from gallivanting around this weekend ..
sans kids and spouse .. :D ..
I'm so sorry Puggles my sweet,I did try to correct the font size, I have had this problem before...I think Blogger has a mind of its own...you know I would never do anything to offend you. Actually it's not your first award, I gave you the 'Friends' award at the end of June this year.
Thank you for your wishes,I'm happy to share this with you and I look forward to your formal acceptance speech. :-) ♡
Thank you Foamy dear friend, I was so excited when I found that I had been awarded this...and I wanted to share it with you for the reasons I have already mentioned, it's so nice to have you for my friend. :)
Yes there is a variation in the font size, it is all supposed to be 'verdana', 'normal' size, it begins correctly, then gets bigger when I start the meme, then gets smaller when I write about Lil Lamb and then it stays like that.
I edited it so many times and it was all the same, then as soon as I published the post it changed... so after a while I just left it as is...this has happened to me before.
You can do your meme whenever you like Foamy,just enjoy your weekend and have some fun. :D ♡ xo
Nice list. One word answers are tricky, you did well. Glad you didn't ask me. I have a one word answer to memes.
And thanks for the comment.
Thanks dear J Cosmo you are most welcome, you can have the award if you would like it and you don't have to do the meme or nominate any other blogs. :) ♡
Hi Dianne, wow thanks a lot for this ..and you do deserve that award too..yours are always so true to yourself and it gets me in deep though everytime I come here..especially when you write those poetic words of yours. I haven't got an award for quite some time; not that I anticipate so much..I just stop playing meme some time ago. But this I will do; especially if it's for you. Thanks again you beautiful soul.
Thank you, Dianne. I feel honored. i'll have to think of something to say about it on my blog. I'll also have to learn how to put it on my blog permanently.
Good for you for getting this award. I liked the meme too! I agree with Sparrow that you are full of passion here. I do enjoy that!
Thank you for the shout out. I am happy that you think of me as cheerful(and lovely doesnt hurt either! hehe).
Thanks dear Hliza , I was really excited when I found that I had been given this award...and I wanted to share it with you because you are a lovely person, you have had a very trying time after the accident,how you have handled it all takes patience and courage... and your blog is such a beautiful place to visit...
One day I hope my photography will be as professional as yours and that I will be able to put four pictures in a frame as you do...I still have so much to learn.
You don't have to do the meme if you don't want to, I don't think there are any rules involved with awards, if you want to it's up to you dear.
No poetry lately, not that I haven't written any, its just all too sad and I want to write happy things for my blog...thank you for the comment about my soul, 'beautiful'?, well I try to keep it honest and true. ♡ xo
Thank you dear Lil Lamb
you are most welcome and I appreciate the kindness you have shown me...plus I love visiting your blog.
You don't have to do the meme if you dont want, I don't think there are any rules about that...only if you want.
It's nice that you have put the 'friends' award that I gave you on your sidebar. :D xo ♡
Thanks dear Helene
I was both surprised and excited when I found that Sparrow had given me this award and for her lovely words...passion, yes...Lol :D
You are most welcome and you get an award as well because I didn't want to leave anyone out, you can do the meme if you want or not, I think yours would be interesting because you are always cheerful and lovely. xo ♡
Thank you Diane for the lovely mention. I will post the award and do the meme for you :)
You are most welcome dear April
I look forward to your meme.
I hope you are feeling much better today? :) ♡
hey sweetheart,
I'm reading this post very lately..
And Congrats ..u deserved this..
and thanks a lot for the mention..
take care
A very thorough interview. Besos.
PD. Laugh can do every day, but do not mourn.
A very thorough interview Leovi dear, but if you asked me the same questions today some of the answers would be different.
xoxoxo ♡
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