Sunday, December 12, 2010

Summer Days In The Garden

Striped Canna Lily Leaves

Yucca Plant and Cordyline Stricta

Leaves, Buds and Flowers - Dwarf Apple Gum
(I love the colours and textures of this leaf)

Variegated Cordyline

Dietes Bicolour

Hakea leaves and bark

Hakea Laurina and Nandina in the Wilderness Garden

Please left click on all photos for a larger image ... ♥


  1. these are just so amazing to me. they are a pleasure to look at especially since it's currently snowing outside...
    i hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer weekend and may your week continue in the same vein...

  2. Thank you dear Foamy , it has been very hot here for the last couple of days so I took advantage of the fine weather.
    I am very fortunate to have plenty of sunshine even though I do complain when it is too hot, I guess you would call it a Mediterranean climate here so I can grow all kinds of lovely plants.
    I shall think of you and your snow, maybe it shall make me feel cooler, you have a great week as well and enjoy that beautiful Winter whiteness.

    xoxoxo ♡

  3. That Dwarf Apple Gum leaf has got to go.

  4. That price, without a doubt the first is my favorite, very beautiful.

  5. You certainly fit a lot into your garden!

  6. Oh Pugsley my sweet it is a beautiful leaf, one of nature's creations, just look at the colours and markings.
    It will fall off soon enough and shall be gone.

    xoxoxo ♡

  7. Thanks dear Leovi , yes the first photo with the Canna Lily is lovely, the plant looks very tropical with its striped leaves and if I am lucky it will have a yellowish/orange flower soon.

    Saludos xoxoxo ♡

  8. Yes dear J Cosmo I do have a lot of plants, some I have bought, some have been gifts from friends and some I have struck from cuttings ... it is a BIG garden, sometimes the amount of work is beyond me but I love being in it just the same.

    xoxoxo ♡

  9. perhaps
    you could invite
    the pug down for a visit

    a closer viewing might change his mind about your dwarf apple gum then

    btw, is it carnivorous?

    × × ×


  10. That striped Cana shot is so vibrant! Into photography?!

  11. How gorgeous! I LOVE the canna leaves. It's fun to see your plants, we share experience with some of them. I miss the more tropical foliage from Florida so I'm thankful to see yours.

  12. Thank you dear Lil Lamb , I'm so pleased that you like it.

    xoxoxo ♡

  13. Yes dear Tinkerbell , there is a lot to be thankful for in the Summer garden.

    xoxoxo ♡

  14. Yes dear /t. , I could invite Pug down here for a visit, yes on closer inspection he might like the dwarf apple gum, it has nice bark and I have plenty of other trees he might enjoy.
    Perhaps I may be able to clear up some of the misconceptions he has about my country.

    No, the tree is not carnivorous, nor does it bear apples. :)

    xoxoxo ♡

  15. Thanks dear Opaque the canna lily is very vibrant with its striped leaves.
    I do like taking photos but I am just an amateur photographer, sometimes I am lucky and get a good shot, sometimes not.

    xoxoxo ♡

  16. Thank you dear Kathleen , yes the canna lily is very tropical and colourful; I am pleased that you liked the photo.
    I have a few plants which grow in the tropics and rain forests.

    xoxoxo ♡

  17. ahhhhhh what a warm respite from the frozen landscape i am living. freezing cold here today -only 8 degrees. owwwwwwwwww

  18. Bumper crop of lemons, send recipes stat!!

  19. Thanks dear chickory , that is cold, I hope in some small way these sunny pictures did warm you.
    Actually it is very hot here at present and I would love some 'cool' but not all of that snow and dangerous weather conditions you are experiencing in the US at present.
    Take care and stay safe.

    xoxoxo ♡

  20. A bumper crop of lemons dear Phossy that's good, I don't have the recipes but may I suggest lemonade, salt preserved lemon and lemon meringue pie...there should be recipes on the Internet. :)

    xoxoxo ♡

  21. what a nice garden! love it very much!

  22. Thank you dear Marty , yes it is a nice garden but probably not so lovely as those in France and Britain. :)

    xoxoxo ♡

  23. Why not Dianne ? I really think yours is gorgeous !
    I would wish you a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year !

  24. Thank you dear Marty , yes some parts of my garden are lovely.

    I wish you Joyeux Noél and a happy New Year!

    xoxoxo ♡


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